Nancy Brewer


I’m glad you’ve come to visit

I’m Nancy!

You can call me Fancy Nancy

There’s quite a few similarities between the children’s book character Fancy Nancy (by Jane O’Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser) and myself. I love words! I enjoy shoes and bling and ribbons and dressing with all the frills. I believe each day has fun to be found and every moment should be savored. There are times when fun gets me into a bit of trouble and I need to be rescued, just like the children’s book character, Fancy Nancy. I don’t have Fancy Nancy’s famous red curls, but I wish I did!

I believe God created us to enjoy life with all its frills. I believe God’s Word. I believe when Jesus says in John 10:10 that he came so that we could have life “and have it in abundance.” I believe the Psalmist David when he says, “You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand is eternal pleasures.” (Psalm 16:11) And I believe God has asked me to encourage, equip and empower others to live this amazing splendiferous life (that’s fancy for magnificent)!

My prayer is that what I write will encourage you; I pray that you will gain confidence and hope. I desire to supply you with new tools, enabling you to live with love and purpose and peace. I will remind you that Jesus has all authority and that He wants to use you to fulfill His purposes. I long for you to believe you are valuable to God and that He has grace and strength to enable you to do what feels impossible. The Christian life really is splendiferous and God has magnificent plans for you. I hope you come back often!