Nancy Brewer

Hope is Found in God’s Wondrous Field of Grace

I woke the other morning with the beginnings of depression. My dreams during the night were emotionally stressful, and when I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the continual grey sky that has become our norm due to an inversion. I had the day off, but it felt dictated

Three Simple Keys to Hope when You Feel Less-than

Let me just begin by saying I have empathy. My sweet Pastor husband sometimes questions whether I have empathy toward him, but we both know when it kicks in for someone, I have a tough time seeing anything but the flood of emotions. Empathy for Jesus’ Disciples My empathy kicked

Godly Wisdom for the Old War in the New Year

Christmas and New Years are over and there is that odd emotional letdown. If your celebrations were wonderful, there’s a sadness it’s now over and life has moved back to its normal daily rhythms. For those whose holidays were not as charming, we discover disappointment mixes in with the sadness