Nancy Brewer

Being Part of the Family

For any of us who have grown up in Sunday School, we have heard the story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15, verses 11-32.  If you are of my generation you were told the story using flannel graph. If you were a lucky duck the day the story

Now What?

Several years ago, my family lived in a house with a fireplace. We didn’t use it consistently, but there were evenings when a fire seemed the ideal addition to any plan. One evening, we were having a small group of people over and the decision was made to build a

A Dog’s Life

I caught my dog, Sam, the other morning peering out the window. The window sill is just the perfect height, that it looks as if his nose is resting on the sill so he can gaze with even less effort than one might expect. The ideal “dog life.”We as people


I can visualize it in my mind. Every picture I conjour, a memory attaches itself. The literal address isn’t always the same, yet each place has the exact same name, and the same feelings flood over me. Home. That place that calls to us, young or old. A structure that

For the Wonder of it All

Let me begin by just stating that I love the word “wonder.” It conjures up feelings of adventure, anticipation, excitement and delight in me. When I dwell on the word wonder all sorts of pictures flash through my mind: a child with a wad of cash in an old-fashioned candy

I Need New Crayons

It’s “new crayon box” time of year!  It’s that season when you feel the need to buy pencils (#2 and colored), spiral notebooks, fresh unbroken crayons (in a crisp box with a built-in sharpener), highlighters and a ‘first day’ outfit. Even though I am long passed being considered “school-age” those