Nancy Brewer

God Talk

My Pastor husband and I have always been aware that we are distinctly different.  We are strong examples of the famous adage “opposites attract.”  We gained labels describing our differences when we took the Clifton StrengthFinders® assessment test.  Tim is an achiever who likes to complete lists and tasks; I

Dirty Windshields

 My car needs a bath. I noticed on the on my way to work the other day how distracting the windshield is. The dead bugs and the bird poop aren’t blocking my line of sight; they are blocking my view.  When I’m driving, I can’t help but continually notice the

Pray for Me

  I was struggling and I knew it.  My emotions were all over the map, I was teetering on the precipice of depression as I huddled in my corner alone.  I longingly desired to say the simple words: pray for me.  I couldn’t.  My mind shouted lies at me: you

Mother’s Day: Yeah?

  Mother’s Day is fast approaching.  The local Wal-Mart has boxes filled with flowers.  Every type of store has a collection of cards.  Childcare providers are planning art activities with macaroni and yarn.  Fathers are beginning to panic because they aren’t sure what will make mom happiest.  Mother’s Day is