Nancy Brewer

Walking in Love Every Day

For a season, my sweet Pastor husband and I lived in a house with more space than we needed. Consequently, we often hosted friends and family who were passing through our small town on their way to someplace else. I remember one weekend we hosted a young man who is

How to Easily Flip Chores into a Godly Mission

I am not a fan of laundry; I find laundry too unending. As the years passed and my children moved out, I discovered laundry less foreboding. Between my sweet Pastor husband and I, I wash four small loads, and everything is done. Extra Laundry However, when my son visited during

Delight is Found in Relishing Unexpected Moments

I wish I had a picture for what I’m about to share. I wish social media magically supplied a random picture of what happened. My sweet Pastor husband and I found ourselves in the middle of a circumstance with no way to stop and snap a photo. I am about

Refinishing Floors Reveals My Need for Gratitude

My sweet Pastor husband and I chose to refinish the wood floor in our home one year. When the gentleman come to price the job, he kindly informed us we should have done it sooner. Though we considered refinishing the floors before, we deemed other household projects more crucial, or