Nancy Brewer

For my Dad

I play the alto sax.  I started playing the saxophone when I was 9 years old.  If I’ve done my math correctly I’ve played the sax for …  a really long time.  There were years when I never opened the case.  There were years when I practiced every day.  I’m

Rest and Peace

My husband evidently didn’t have a very restful night.  I had no idea.  He evidently woke up in the middle of the night and struggled to go back to sleep.  I snoozed away, unaware of his predicament.  Generally these roles are reversed.  I’m the one waking up, getting up to

Starting Point

I do not consider myself a whiz in the kitchen.  I would say I’m a passable cook, but the idea of preparing food for others always makes me a bit anxious.  I’m comfortable making a meal for my family because I figure they’ve gotten used to what I create.  Others….