Nancy Brewer

How to Move Toward Communing with Four Distinct Steps

I’ve become more aware lately of how focused I am on me. Know what I mean? I am constantly looking for ways to make my day smoother, my tasks accomplished faster and with less stress, as well as increased moments of relaxation and whimsy. The Holy Spirit has been prodding

How to Faithfully Follow Jesus and Leave His Legacy

Happy Pioneer Day! You probably haven’t heard of this special day, unless you’ve lived in Utah. Pioneer Day is when Brigham Young and his compatriots first arrived in the Great Salt Lake Valley and declared, “This is the place.” My LDS friends celebrate Pioneer Day with great enthusiasm because they

Four Compelling Ways God Reveals Himself in the Dew

We often use word pictures to help us describe a person, place, object, event, or situation. We say things like he was tall like a giraffe, or she was as busy as a bee. When we use word pictures, we provide an excellent visual without giving excessive detail. The Bible