Nancy Brewer

Baa Baaa Sheep

What do you know about sheep?  Did you know that there are more than 1000 distinct sheep breeds worldwide?  Did you know that sheep are classified according to their primary purpose, the type of wool they grow, the color of their faces and more!  Who knew?  I’ve always thought they


It amazes me how life fits.  My life with others’ lives.  My story with others’ stories.  My experiences with others’ experiences.  Just this morning I’ve seen a connection between what others are living and what I am learning.Have you even thought much of the word “Pilgrimage?”  I came across the


Wonder, Oh Wonder…..      It snowed last night.  When I awoke this morning there was some white stuff scattered on my lawn, and now it’s  gone .  The snow wasn’t that amazing, and yet….            Directly outside my front window is a small tree/bush.  I’d tell you