Nancy Brewer

Fears and Moving Forward

I just need to put it out there.  I’m scared of spiders.  They are creepy crawly things that, for some bizarre reason, I’m afraid will attack me, and I will lose.  It makes no difference that I’m exceedingly larger than them.  It makes no difference that I can think and

Tacos with a side of Peace

At the request of my son, we made homemade salsa last night to have with our tacos. I made my typical homemade guacamole and also created a black bean, corn(fresh off the cob)and mango salad. Let’s just say the kitchen looked “well-used.”  I’m not telling you all this to pat myself

 Earlier today I was “stretching my brain.” by clicking the button way too many times at  Okay, I admit it, all rationalizing aside, I was wasting time.    Anyway…. I came across this video that said “A Single Year in 40 seconds.”  I was curious.  I watched.  I watched again!  I