Nancy Brewer

A Bit About Me

It’s not easy writing what will best tell you who I am. Let’s be honest, how I see myself and how others see me are often very different. I would do better chatting with you over a delicious cup of coffee. I would be intriqued with who you are and eager to enter into a conversation that builds toward a relationship. I would love that. So, before you go any further, go ahead and pour yourself your favorite drink, it will make me feel better. Thanks.

My Growing Up Years

I grew up in a pastor’s home, the youngest of five children. I’ve always described my growing up years as a Better-Homes-and-Gardens-life. We weren’t wealthy, but there was so much love in our home. It was safe and cosy. The major struggle I had as a child was thinking I had to be perfect. It came from growing up in the church and not wanting to disappoint my parents in any way. By the time I was in college I determined I never wanted to marry a pastor because I didn’t want to put that kind of pressure on my children. God has a sense of humor; I married a pastor. We have served in Boise, ID; Olathe, KS; Olympia, WA; Salt Lake City, UT; and currently Ontario, OR. We have two adult children. Our daughter Rachel is married to James, she is a math teacher and he is a youth pastor. Our son Brad is a BMW mechanic.

Some Might Describe Me as…

I have always been a lover of fun. I was quick to get out of chores, and would do most anything to get a laugh. I did well in school, but not because I was driven. Doing well was expected, and learning new things was fun. My Pastor husband would tell you I’m the “fun parent.” My kids just might agree. I am a firm believer that anything is better if fun is mixed in. Fun to me often includes M&Ms, ice cream, music, creating, and playing games.

I admit I’m quirky. I like to be agreeable though I have a very distinct stubborn streak. Being creative is my jam and I can spend hours making cards with rubber stamps and a curated collection of scrapbooking paraphernalia. I can easily shut out the world and live in my own little fairytale just like the sign hanging in my office says. I love to dress up with blingy jewelry and stunning shoes, but I also have a great collection of shorts and t-shirts with tennies in several colors. Give me time to explore and money for coffee, and I’m a happy camper. Summer mornings on my deck (with a cup of coffee of course) are divine. The best mornings come with no time limit to rush somewhere. I delight in sitting with Jesus as long as I possibly can.

My Employment Journey to Writer

Before my children were born, I taught English and drama. When we chose to have a family, my Pastor husband and I decided I would stay home with our children. I went through phases when I substituted in the classroom, worked retail part-time, and ran my own home-based business to provide for those financial extras and accidentals. In each season, I continually felt a call to encourage others to see themselves as valuable and to live life to its fullest.

In August of 2012 I started my first blog. Originally, I planned for it be an avenue to promote my home-based business while also talking a bit here and there about Jesus. It became instead a place for me to share my relationship with God, encouraging others in their walk, whether they’d known Jesus for a while, or if they were just being introduced. I’m still writing. My walk is stronger, my love for Jesus is deeper. God doesn’t necessarily speak more to me; I have learned to listen more, listen better.

I’m Living Today with Intention

My purpose in writing is three-fold: to Encourage; Equip; and Empower. I long to inspire you; I want you to believe you are valuable to God. You are His masterpiece. He loves you with a deep and overwhelming love. I will give you tools for your spiritual tool box. The lessons I’m learning at the feet of Jesus, I’ll teach to you so that you are better qualified to serve Jesus in the ways He calls you. You will find reminders of the truth that Jesus chooses you to be His Ambassador in what I write. My intent is to strengthen your confidence so that you will step into your calling courageously.

I’m glad you’re here. I’m praying for you; you are loved.