Nancy Brewer

Thanksgiving Really does Come First

It started on Halloween; now it’s Christmas music until January.  I don’t hate it. Growing up, the rule was no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving.  I’ve fudged that rule several times over my life for a day here and there.  Basically, I follow the rule that my father laid down

Motivating Truth

I kept telling myself I was doing something I loved to do. It just didn’t feel like it anymore.  I tried to psych myself up by reminding my mind and heart of all the positives I got to enjoy: I loved the opportunity to be creative, I loved who I

Patience over Power

I found myself in a conversation last week that made me feel uncomfortable.  The other person wasn’t attacking me or saying anything exceptionally crude; I felt an unsettling attitude behind the words being spoken.  I sensed defensiveness, some anger and a lot of “I want to be right.”  I didn’t