Nancy Brewer

No Place Like Home

I have spent quite a bit of time in Psalm 90 recently.  I read a portion of it months ago and one particular verse grabbed my heart and spoke to me.  I had no idea of the actual context of the verse, but it became a jumping off point for

The “UGH Zone”

More than 6 months ago I came to grips with the reality that I needed to lose some weight.  I had gotten in the habit of snacking too much, and eating more of the things that are not the best for me at meals.  I began a diet and I

Happy Birthday

Today is the birthday of my firstborn.  There have been many things about that day that I have forgotten in 29 years, and there are some things that will stay with me forever. She was beautiful the day she was born, and is beautiful now, 29 years later.  She and