Nancy Brewer

Lavish Devotion

My husband recently came across a sweet deal on some furniture for our deck.  It was one of those cool grouping of pieces that you could configure how you wanted for plenty of comfortable seating.  The price was ideal… and we chose to pass.  Currently I’m not working, so no

I’m not a Maid

I woke this morning tired.  I had a good night’s sleep, but I felt “draggy” as I sat down to begin my day with Jesus. Jesus and I have been spending some time recently in the book of Romans.  Our church is being challenged to read through Romans as our

New Life

I recently spent some time with a young couple preparing for their wedding.  It was fun to talk to them and be reminded of how clueless I was before I got married. From the very beginning, my husband has been into figuring out things like “the five year plan” and

Privileged Indeed

Last night was a clicking night.  That blasted clicking.  When I first fell asleep, my beloved ceiling fan was circling at a lovely high speed.  The power had gone off earlier, but when it popped back on, I was blessed with cool air as I fluffed my pillow and snuggled


Grace is one of those Christian words we toss about freely.  It’s worthy to be tossed about, don’t get me wrong;  And I wonder if we don’t actually grasp the depth of the word.  I recently read the word grace in Romans 1:7: “I am writing to all of you