Nancy Brewer

Redefining Perfect

Have you ever wanted some thing , or wanted something to happen and then realized how hard it would be to accomplish it? Perhaps you entered a race, and then later realized how hard it would be to actually train. Or maybe you had a goal to lose some weight,

Dot to Dot

I have always loved to color.  I’m not a “real” artist: I can’t draw freehand. I do get enthusiastic about being creative. I thrive on decorating, rubber stamping, scrap-booking, occasional sewing or crafting, styling outfits, photography…  I just like playing with color.  When I was small, I liked finding dot

In the Ebb

Life ebbs and flows. We all have good days and bad days. I have skinny days and chubby days. Some have productive days and lazy days. Others have painful days and pain-free days. It’s the nature of things; it keeps the process interesting. Bad days enable us to appreciate the