Nancy Brewer

I am Dependent

Both of my children were eager to fly the nest.  They both gladly moved out and created their own space with their own life.  My daughter stretched her independence by going to college.  She came home that first summer, and then that was that.  My son left home within the

Sheep and Celebrations

Our church has begun practicing for our Christmas musical  presentation.  Since my husband is out of town, I’ve been listening to Christmas music on random days.  I’ve started watching cheesy Netflix Christmas movies while I’ve been working on creating the Christmas cards we will send out this year.  Somewhere in


I love the game Bananagrams.  It’s basically Scrabble on steroids.  I love that I get to work on my own little puzzle, and though I am racing against others, much of it for me is challenging myself to make words and to use up my tiles, period! My husband won’t

Thank You

I have a minor addiction to rubber stamps and I recently placed an order for new treasures.  The lady I ordered from sent me a Thank You note to let me know she appreciates my business.  It’s a nice gesture.  It makes me feel great, and she is awesome about

Truth for the Day

Today began hard.  My Marine is back in the states and I’m not with him.  Originally I thought I was going to be there and be one of those embarrassing mom’s when he landed.  Life happened instead.  I had the  privilege of texting some with him yesterday when he re-entered