Nancy Brewer

A Powerful Lesson Learned from a Box of Crayons

With everyone posting back to school pictures, I want to present you with what I think is the best gift imaginable.  I give you the Big Box of Crayons.  You’re welcome. A Childhood Dream I can remember as a child LONGING for the big box of crayons, but it was

Remaining in God’s Love when Your World Falls Apart

Does it feel like the world is falling apart to you?  There are many moments throughout a day when I feel that’s exactly what is happening!  We are still enduring a pandemic, there are world tragedies in Haiti and Afghanistan, we deal with mask wars on social media, political battles

How to Win Over Your Revolving Sin Struggle

Lately I’ve been pondering the idea that I need Jesus to save me every day.  This isn’t an internal debate over Calvinistic thought and Wesleyan thought.  It’s like my mind is a revolving door and the concept that Jesus is rescuing me keeps circulating powerfully through my mind. When you

Simple Strategies to Help You Wait on the Lord

We’ve all had experiences when we needed to wait.  Most of us are not fans of waiting.  We wait for birthdays and Christmas, Amazon prime and the latest episode of our favorite TV show.  We wait for paychecks and final payments, vacation, and weekend adventures. We wait for wedding days

Five Ways We Deceive Ourselves and How to Overcome

It was my turn for a phone upgrade.  Excited doesn’t describe how I felt.  Controlling my exuberant enthusiasm, I scrolled through different possibilities.  I loved my current Samsung Galaxy Note®, especially the functions it provided me with its special pen.  I studied various phone options while knowing I wanted the