Nancy Brewer

Five Simple Lessons from the Wise Men’s Journey

Our Christmas lights are up! They’ve been up for weeks, and I confess we turned them on before Thanksgiving. Christmas lights are so festive; I love driving through various neighborhoods and seeing the different displays. I’m always so impressed when someone goes to all the work of setting their lights

Give Thanks for a Bountiful Portion

Warning: Thanksgiving is this Thursday. I hope you’ve already begun to thaw your turkey in the refrigerator as recommended. One year, I experienced beginning Thanksgiving day with a frozen bird, and it is not a good thing. Thanksgiving is a food holiday in our house. We gather and we enjoy

Creating Memorials Helps Us See Who We are Becoming

I went exploring last week. I was privileged to attend a church conference with my sweet Pastor husband in North Carolina, so I took advantage of the opportunity to discover a new place. Gleefully, I pulled my honey along on a history scavenger hunt in Asheville. Asheville has an Urban