Nancy Brewer

Relaxation can be Found in a Book: Three Friendly Reviews

Several of you, and your comments about what you read, got me thinking. I began to recall how I could spend hours, even days, lost in a novel. Growing up, I spent my summers exploring different worlds and time periods. I went on vacations my family could never afford. Library

Two Books for a Better Prayer Life

The discipline of prayer has never been an easy one for me. Early on in my faith journey I wasn’t disciplined in much of anything. To be perfectly honest, the word discipline still makes me cringe and cry a little bit inside. It feels so structured and formal, not fun,

February is a Month to LOVE Books!

Welcome to February! I’ve decided to approach my blog differently this month. One of the things I love most is reading. I wouldn’t describe myself as a voracious reader but curling up with a book is a safe place for me. I relax, I learn things, I imagine, and I