Nancy Brewer


Today is supposed to be “get on a plane” day.  Not looking so good.  Today is supposed to be the official start of my Sweetie and I’s escape to the East coast. Today is supposed to be one of those “WooHoo!” days.  Right now, today is just today.  Life is

It’s just Obvious

It’s trash day.  If you were to look around my neighborhood, it’s pretty obvious. When the truck comes down our street, it’s pretty obvious.  Trash trucks are noisy; they are not sneaky in any way.  I know he’s there even if he comes super early and I’m still in bed!

Easter Hangover

I believe I need to be honest.  I need to just put it out there and admit to my situation.  I have an Easter hangover.  I said it.  I confessed.  It’s true you know, I have an Easter hangover.  When the sun rose this morning, I thought I should be