Nancy Brewer

Just Like in Heaven

There is in our culture a fascination with angels, and I believe a simplification of heaven.  You can find all sorts of quotes about heaven. Michelangelo said, “My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth’s loveliness.”  Jimi Hendrix claims, “You have to go on and

The Gift

Yesterday, at church, the worship was beautiful and inspiring; the sermon was powerful and definitely challenging: and being with my family was comforting and delightful.  Interestingly though, the image that sticks in my head is that of a little girl. Our church has the children participate in our service up until

Life before Noon

Some days are filled with quite a bit of living before noon.  Today has been one of those days.  I began my morning, coffee cup in hand talking with Jesus.  My coffee this morning was a tad unique since I had added cinnamon.  Before I went to bed last night, I

There Once Was a Spider….

There was spider on the sliding door out to our deck the other night while I was making dinner.  He caught me off guard, and freaked the living daylights out of me.  I had walked over toward the door to get into a cupboard and Sam, my dog acted as