Nancy Brewer

Making Soup

Yesterday was a play day.  My little buddy Bobby came over. Bobby is 2, with a quick smile that lights up his face, tons of energy, and an easy-going attitude.  When Bobby comes to my house, he makes soup.  Soup is evidently a very difficult thing to create.  It takes

I want a cookie!

I just need to say it out loud.  I want a cookie.  I don’t need a cookie.  I’m not hungry.  I’ve already had two cookies.  I still want another cookie, and probably another cookie, and probably another.  I am aware that this is not a healthy choice.  If I was

Take Another Step

Have you ever listened to a song, and it just resonates somehow with you? I’ve recently become enamored with a song by Steven Curtis Chapman from his latest project, Glorious Unfolding.  I am partially drawn to this song because it tells a story and I’m a “story girl.”  The music