Nancy Brewer

The Adventure of Obedience to a New Beginning

Whew! It’s been a journey! A part of me wondered if this day would ever come. The fact that it is here is a testimony to God’s faithfulness. I am held in wonder that God chooses to use me to encourage others toward knowing Him better.  I want to say

Living Within God’s Boundaries

The first year my Pastor husband was in seminary we had 4 jobs between the two of us to make ends meet.  The second year we thankfully bumped down to 2 jobs.  After seminary we added children to the mix and moved across several states; his job hours increased, and my job

We Need to Know God Intimately

My husband was advised to not date me when we were in college.  The advisor was someone who perceived me to be on the wild side.  I suppose I can see that person’s point of view.  I was loud, excessively chatty, a prankster, and way more social than serious.  I liked capturing all the attention

Increase Your God-Focus by Expressing Joy

There are days when you don’t feel happy.  Your circumstances could be excellent; good things could be happening left and right.  And your emotions reveal your discontent.  Perhaps you plaster on a smile and push through, believing you can “fake it till you make it.”  There are days you just

We Need to Give God the Credit

Her name was Stacey. We went to High School together.  Stacey ran in different circles from me, but we did have the same English class.  I remember it was early Spring because she was prepping for a big basketball game to determine if the girls team would compete at State.