Nancy Brewer

Jesus Manifests His Love for Us through Zeal for God

What comes to mind when you hear the word zealous? Do you imagine positive or negative things? Is the word zealous a characteristic you wish described yourself? Zealous is not an everyday word; we don’t go around calling people zealous on a regular basis. Now a days we use words

Jesus Models the Best Way to be Adaptable

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Nancy, and I’m adaptable. It’s not a characteristic I normally talk about. It’s one of those parts of me I take for granted. Years ago, when I took Gallup’s Strength Finders test, adaptability was identified as my number one strength. According to Gallup, I

Jesus’ Extraordinary Love Sees Us as our Best Selves

Have you heard of Love Languages? It’s the concept that each of us speaks and receives love in a unique way. There are five different languages and unless you learn the language your loved one responds to best, he or she may not experience the depth of your love.  How

Finding Love in the Best Place

February is commonly referred to as the month of love. Hearts are hanging in every retail store as we prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Many of us plan ways to shower those we love with gifts and sweet words of adoration. Some of us decide we’ll hide away and watch