Nancy Brewer

God’s Gift of Memory Fosters Gratitude, Growth and Wonder

Social media has become a questionable activity. It’s a well-known time waster. Since we’ve just come through the elections, we know that lies and propaganda abound in social media. There are ads that encourage us to buy things we don’t need, and arguments that erupt from strongly voiced opinions. But

Three Reasons to be Grateful in All Seasons of Life

Sparks of gratitude often come unexpectedly, even when you are on the lookout for them! As revealed by a random comment that caught me off guard a couple of weeks ago, at our church’s trunk or treat event for Halloween. Since my sweet Pastor husband and I recently returned from

Learning How to Be Grateful for Interruptions

I’m not a time-slotted schedule keeper, but I do have a general mental plan for how I want each week to play out. When I encounter a day with a surprise open afternoon, I get giddy deciding how best to use my time. My schedule recently provided me with a