Nancy Brewer

God Defends Us and Affirms our Value to Him

My king-sized bed was covered with clothes. I laid out completed outfits and displayed a variety of jewelry with each selection. Next, I tossed in different shoes and considered my options. I switched tops and bottoms, mixed, and matched, knowing I was limited to a carryon suitcase. I planned to

The Beautiful Blessing Found in Asking for Help

I’m curious. Do you find it easy to ask for help? I recently became very aware of my own hesitancy. I’m concerned with inconveniencing someone too much. At other times I’m fearful I will appear incompetent. I don’t like appearing needy or unable to figure things out on my own.

Jesus’ Simple Three Step Plan to Overcome Fallbacks

Recently, my sweet Pastor husband and I have been binge watching Gilmore Girls. We get a good chuckle out of how they banter. In the episodes we have been watching, the character of Rory is a senior in High School and preparing to go to college. Though Rory desperately wants