Nancy Brewer


Sometimes, when I sit in my chair in the early morning to talk to Jesus, he wallops me.  I’m thankful Jesus doesn’t use a frying pan, and I’m thankful I don’t spill my morning coffee all over my lap.  Jesus walloped me this morning.  He caught me off guard by

Ask. Seek. Knock.

I’m in the midst of transition.  I am closing my home based business that I’ve had for the last 8 years.  It’s been a great ride!  AND God has asked me to set that aside for something new.  I’m not yet sure what the “new” looks like and God is

Convicted, Convinced, Concerned

I love coffee.  I love to play board games.  I love to decorate my house for the various seasons.  I love to camp and hike and explore God’s beautiful world.  I’m passionate about being creative.  I can lose myself in making cards with my rubber stamps and collection of “stamping

Living out Jesus’ Plan

I have grown up being told Bible stories.  I have experienced flannel graph, records (actual records!) of Bible stories being told, Sunday School, church services, The Bible Man cassette tapes, Veggie tales on VHS and more.  I have heard the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with a boys lunch