Nancy Brewer

A Godly Perspective to Enjoy Each Moment of Life

Have you ever watched the TV show Ugly Betty? I’m currently binge watching while I create cards. Betty is an ordinary twenty-something girl from Queens who gets a job with a fashion magazine. Betty doesn’t fit in with the fashion crowd; her fellow employees look down on her and make

How to Know how Truly Rich You Are

Do you ever find yourself “wanting?” For example, I noticed a wanting trend in my own thinking lately. My mind drifts toward wanting to be thinner and more relaxed. Friends post fun vacation photos and I want to go someplace exciting. My kitchen table is the catchall spot for mail,

The Good Life in the Good Hands of the Good Shepherd

The other day when I finished my shift at work, I considered wandering a bit and treating myself to something new. I didn’t need anything; I was tired plus tired of feeling tired and I thought something new could cheer me up. I wanted to buy something to make myself