Nancy Brewer

The One Thing

I’m not normally accused of having tunnel vision.  You know,  being intently focused on just one thing, project or goal.  I’m more apt to be pinging  from one thing to another in some weird circular, random manner.  I am not naturally linear, I’m not a big goal setter, I’m a

Truly Seeing God

Yesterday was one of “those days.”  Nothing horrible happened,  I was productive in getting a few things checked off my to do list, and I went through the day in an emotional funk.  I will even admit that about 12:30, I gave up and put my pajama pants back on

The Good Spot

I love a good story.  Ever since learning to read, I could get lost in a book.  My summer memories tend to center around the summer reading challenge that the local library always held.  I even had a secret reading spot in a hidden opening tucked in one of our front

One Year

Today is an anniversary.  I looked up the word anniversary, I don’t want you to think I’ve completely lost it,  I do know what it means…  and I wondered if perhaps there was more to the definition than I was aware.  It’s basic meaning is what we all think: “a