Nancy Brewer

Strong Obedience

I’m struggling today with obedience.  During my morning coffee with Jesus, He gave me several A-has!! that I knew I should share. I did typical morning things like exercising, showering, getting dressed, unloading the dishwasher, eating breakfast and catching up on the news.  I bemoaned the rain to my husband,

Fresh A-has!

Have you noticed that our culture is currently caught between two extremes of reaching out to help others in need, and selfishly stockpiling items in fear of not having enough.  The two extremes can even easily come from the very same person, who doesn’t recognize the discrepancy.  How do I

Living in the In-Between

We are currently in an “in-between season.” The weather has warmed enough that it doesn’t feel like it is still winter.  And it hasn’t changed enough for it to be declared spring.  A coat is needed as I go to work, and I can crack my car’s moon roof open