Nancy Brewer

Prioritizing Dependence is the Key to a Life of Worship

Do you remember, back in the day, when you were assigned group projects? Teachers plan these activities to help you discover more information without requiring you to do all the research yourself. In theory, the idea is great. In reality, you must depend on someone else to do their job.

A Better Focus to Know What Fuels Your Soul

Do you know what fuels your soul? I’m not asking what makes you happy or what helps you relax. Fueling one’s soul isn’t necessarily about achieving more or setting oneself up to be more productive. Allow me to phrase the question this way: What enables you to see Christ more

Four Simple Lessons about Relying on God

It seems everybody is ready for fall! I admit I’m ready to put away any hint of summer décor in my house and scatter pumpkins willy-nilly. I work retail, and scads of people have been purchasing literal cart loads of Halloween and fall decorations. A Perfect Life I get it.

Creating a Strong Foundation for the Best Life

Have you ever played the Game of Life?  It’s a board game by Milton Bradley I played as a child. I remember beginning the game by picking out what color of car I wanted to move around the board. After that, each player made a choice of whether he was

How to Live the Kingdom Life of Abundance

Do you remember as a kid when you hit the midpoint of July and you began to think “Summer is over!” The stores had school supplies out, and the dreaded school registration form letter came in the mail. You began having nightmares about book reports, pop quizzes, and getting your

A Godly Perspective to Enjoy Each Moment of Life

Have you ever watched the TV show Ugly Betty? I’m currently binge watching while I create cards. Betty is an ordinary twenty-something girl from Queens who gets a job with a fashion magazine. Betty doesn’t fit in with the fashion crowd; her fellow employees look down on her and make

How to Know how Truly Rich You Are

Do you ever find yourself “wanting?” For example, I noticed a wanting trend in my own thinking lately. My mind drifts toward wanting to be thinner and more relaxed. Friends post fun vacation photos and I want to go someplace exciting. My kitchen table is the catchall spot for mail,

The Good Life in the Good Hands of the Good Shepherd

The other day when I finished my shift at work, I considered wandering a bit and treating myself to something new. I didn’t need anything; I was tired plus tired of feeling tired and I thought something new could cheer me up. I wanted to buy something to make myself

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