Nancy Brewer

Living out Jesus’ Plan

I have grown up being told Bible stories.  I have experienced flannel graph, records (actual records!) of Bible stories being told, Sunday School, church services, The Bible Man cassette tapes, Veggie tales on VHS and more.  I have heard the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with a boys lunch

Joining the Angels

Today is the day after mid term elections.  There was a proposal on the ballot for the small, Oregon town that I live in that has caused quite a bit of controversy and division.  There have been committees and meetings and people showing up in mass when the Chamber of

Staying Free

I have been on a diet.  I realized early on in the summer that I had gained some pesky pounds and that my clothes just didn’t fit as well as they should.  I’m not a fan of dieting.  I prefer to eat whatever I want (that I rationalize I am


As a small child I was not fond of meat.  Regardless of my preference, my mom seemed to serve some sort of meat with every meal.  If it was hidden in a casserole with yummy noodles and a thick layer of cheese on top, all was good.  If it was


I am currently reading a  book called “Encountering the Goodness of God” by Bill Johnson.  I’m using it as a catalyst for my morning prayer time.  The author has presented some ideas that left me a bit confused, and he has presented ideas that have made me think, “hmmm…  that’s

Disneyland and Water-heaters

My husband and I have been saving to go to Disneyland.  Our son lives near San Diego and he suggested one day that we should come visit him and then we could all go to Disneyland.  We decided our son had a grand idea and we began to squirrel away

Anxiety Pressed

I’ve spent the last several weeks being anxious.  I’m not normally a worry type of person, but I let some circumstances over which I have little to no control eat at me.  I talked briefly with my husband concerning one circumstance last night and I just ended up getting frustrated

Just Like in Heaven

There is in our culture a fascination with angels, and I believe a simplification of heaven.  You can find all sorts of quotes about heaven. Michelangelo said, “My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth’s loveliness.”  Jimi Hendrix claims, “You have to go on and

The Gift

Yesterday, at church, the worship was beautiful and inspiring; the sermon was powerful and definitely challenging: and being with my family was comforting and delightful.  Interestingly though, the image that sticks in my head is that of a little girl. Our church has the children participate in our service up until

Life before Noon

Some days are filled with quite a bit of living before noon.  Today has been one of those days.  I began my morning, coffee cup in hand talking with Jesus.  My coffee this morning was a tad unique since I had added cinnamon.  Before I went to bed last night, I

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