
More than Dog Loyalty

My dog escaped this morning — EARLY this morning.  I padded out to the kitchen around 6 am today.  As per routine, I opened the back door to let the dog do his morning business in the back yard.  I proceeded to make coffee and unload the dishwasher.  I finally

Thankful Preparations

I don’t normally buy this many groceries.  After all, it is just my husband and myself.  We like to eat, but really?  We are still just two people. My kids are coming home for the holiday, and they are bringing friends. I like that.  I like that my home can

Family Graduation

I had the privilege this week to attend a special graduation; I went to a TUMI graduation.  It was held at our local  prison, and the gentlemen graduating were all incarcerated.  I was invited to go by my friend who has been teaching the course the men were graduating from

Living in Boxes

If you were asked, “Have you ever lived in a box?” most of us would quickly answer “no!” Some of us would add in an additional you-need-to-go-to-the-Funny-Farm look. Have you ever lived, even for a day, in a small confined space? We’ve all been sick at some time and confined

Redefining Perfect

Have you ever wanted some thing , or wanted something to happen and then realized how hard it would be to accomplish it? Perhaps you entered a race, and then later realized how hard it would be to actually train. Or maybe you had a goal to lose some weight,

Dot to Dot

I have always loved to color.  I’m not a “real” artist: I can’t draw freehand. I do get enthusiastic about being creative. I thrive on decorating, rubber stamping, scrap-booking, occasional sewing or crafting, styling outfits, photography…  I just like playing with color.  When I was small, I liked finding dot

In the Ebb

Life ebbs and flows. We all have good days and bad days. I have skinny days and chubby days. Some have productive days and lazy days. Others have painful days and pain-free days. It’s the nature of things; it keeps the process interesting. Bad days enable us to appreciate the

Being Part of the Family

For any of us who have grown up in Sunday School, we have heard the story of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15, verses 11-32.  If you are of my generation you were told the story using flannel graph. If you were a lucky duck the day the story

Now What?

Several years ago, my family lived in a house with a fireplace. We didn’t use it consistently, but there were evenings when a fire seemed the ideal addition to any plan. One evening, we were having a small group of people over and the decision was made to build a

A Dog’s Life

I caught my dog, Sam, the other morning peering out the window. The window sill is just the perfect height, that it looks as if his nose is resting on the sill so he can gaze with even less effort than one might expect. The ideal “dog life.”We as people

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