
Shopping for….

Confession time: I love to shop. It’s not the actual purchasing that excites me; I get a thrill just checking out new (or new-to-me) stuff. It can be any type of item I’m browsing that brings delight : clothes, shoes, material, paper, dishes, knick-knacks, towels, furniture… my list is fairly

A Legacy Lived: In Honor of Everett

An older gentleman I’ve know for 20 years passed away last week.  It surprised me because I wasn’t aware of the health problems he had been experiencing.  My husband, son and I made the 6 hour drive to attend his memorial service and express our support for his precious family.


My husband recently refinished an old commode cabinet for me. He sanded it down, had the drawers fixed and stabilized, put in a new bottom, then painted it and added new hardware. It now sits in my newly re-decorated front room, adding personality, charm and color. As a bonus it

Seeking Life

Have you ever lost something and then spent an inordinate amount of time trying to find that item? Car keys come to mind first, my dog second, and my shoes third. Those who know me well might wonder why I would ever need to search for shoes, when I can

Looking for Jesus

I am headed into one of those weeks that just looks and feels TOO busy. I’m sure I’ve managed weeks like this before, but last night, and this morning, as I look ahead, I feel overwhelmed. The cloudy sky out my window reflects my mood. The wind seems to imitate

Waiting, Hoping

As I sit in my chair, glancing out my window at tulips longing to open, I am caught by the idea that I also am waiting. I am waiting for “the perfect life.” My heart lonqs for it, my prayers beg God for it, my daily activities all attempt to

Life upon Life

For the last couple of days I’ve been processing Psalm 18. I admit I have a bit of disconnect with this Psalm. I am not a ruler, I don’t have evil people chasing me, no one is trying to kill me,  I’ve never been to war or been in battle

Living Life on Both Ends of the Spectrum

As I try to process my list of things-to-do today I am acutely aware that I am experiencing “Life.” It’s not that everything is falling apart and I’m barely hanging on by a thread. It’s not that things are gloriously and joyfully grand. It’s that there is SO much! There

Real Love

Hosea 5 and 6 don’t seem like much of a love letter from God to Israel and Judah. God is informing them through the prophet Hosea that their disobedience and sin has caught up with them and judgement is coming. Hosea 5:4 says,” their deeds do not permit them to

Jonah and me

I recently read Jonah 2. I’ve read it before and I’ve heard the story since I was a child in Sunday School. There were no surprises and I found it interesting in an intellectual sort of way. I read the notes from the NET version in my Bibe app, to

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