Nancy Brewer

There Once Was a Spider….

There was spider on the sliding door out to our deck the other night while I was making dinner.  He caught me off guard, and freaked the living daylights out of me.  I had walked over toward the door to get into a cupboard and Sam, my dog acted as


We had a group of friends over last night.  Everyone brought their own meat to grill and some sort of side dish.  My husband and I provided the deck.  We set up an extra table with chairs so that everyone could enjoy alfresco dining.  We laughed, held babies, answered curious questions

Battling Fear

I have become aware in my life that I have somehow allowed fear to take up residence.  I haven’t normally classified myself as a fearful person; I have no problems speaking in front of a crowd, I generally like to go to new places, I enjoy meeting new people.  I

Habitual Occupation

I experienced one of summer’s greatest enemies today, the razor.  I happily took my shower this morning, enjoying the cool water lowering my body temperature after a hard work out.  I knew I was going to wear shorts so decided shaving my legs was a wise choice.  I finished my

Deck Lessons

We have lived in our home for almost 12 years.  Along the backside of our house is a deck.  Simply put, it’s huge; It runs the entire length of the house.  This is the year we’ve decided to truly make our deck functional.  Finally.  In the past we have purchased

Serve Day, Lesson #1

This past Saturday was Serve Day in our community.  Various churches, businesses, organizations and individuals came together to give back.  Tasks ranged from painting picnic tables, playground equipment and buildings at the fairgrounds to helping elderly citizens with tasks like weeding and prepping their yards for spring and summer.I signed

Waiting on God’s Slowness

Tears came this morning.  I have been “handling” my dad’s move to heaven “pretty well.”  I’m not really sure what that means.  I basically haven’t been falling apart in public.  I’ve had my tender, sad times as anyone would.  I’ve taken many strolls down memory lane and longed to create

For my Dad

I play the alto sax.  I started playing the saxophone when I was 9 years old.  If I’ve done my math correctly I’ve played the sax for …  a really long time.  There were years when I never opened the case.  There were years when I practiced every day.  I’m

Rest and Peace

My husband evidently didn’t have a very restful night.  I had no idea.  He evidently woke up in the middle of the night and struggled to go back to sleep.  I snoozed away, unaware of his predicament.  Generally these roles are reversed.  I’m the one waking up, getting up to

Starting Point

I do not consider myself a whiz in the kitchen.  I would say I’m a passable cook, but the idea of preparing food for others always makes me a bit anxious.  I’m comfortable making a meal for my family because I figure they’ve gotten used to what I create.  Others….

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