Nancy Brewer

Living Life on Both Ends of the Spectrum

As I try to process my list of things-to-do today I am acutely aware that I am experiencing “Life.” It’s not that everything is falling apart and I’m barely hanging on by a thread. It’s not that things are gloriously and joyfully grand. It’s that there is SO much! There

Real Love

Hosea 5 and 6 don’t seem like much of a love letter from God to Israel and Judah. God is informing them through the prophet Hosea that their disobedience and sin has caught up with them and judgement is coming. Hosea 5:4 says,” their deeds do not permit them to

Jonah and me

I recently read Jonah 2. I’ve read it before and I’ve heard the story since I was a child in Sunday School. There were no surprises and I found it interesting in an intellectual sort of way. I read the notes from the NET version in my Bibe app, to

The Princess and Propitiation

PropitiationI don’t think the word Propitiation is one I will be throwing around in general conversation. 1.) It’s a big word!  2.) It has lots of I-don’t-get-that-religious-stuff conotation.  3.) It’s not a word that just “flows” in a sentence.  4.) Deep down I’m scared I will use the word incorrectly!

It’s Morning

What a morning and l’ve only been up a couple of hours! let me explain…. l. Today is Superbowl Sunday. I don’t care.  Football is not my thing and I woke up bemoaning all the hoopla that surrounds this day.  My hubby and I have plans to go over to

Good Things

I recently read Psalm 126 and I was struck by the idea that I don’t always live my life on the presupposition that God WILL provide good ‘fortune.’ I believe that God gives good gifts, but I think that I have begun to believe God gives little good treasures to

Cleaning my Closet

My email in-box has been inundated with clearance sales from all my favorite stores.  Every day I am sand blasted with 40% off, 50% off — all the way to 70% off!  It’s a shoppers dream!  I admit I have been scouring online for the perfect deal.  This morning as

Let’s Run!

The other night I ran into the local mall to pick something up.  I had gotten what I needed and was hurrying back to my car when I saw her.  She was holding fast to her mother’s hand, tugging with all the enthusiasm her tiny little body could exhibit. “Let’s

Knowing Me

We once received a phone call from someone my husband and I knew a long time ago and our then teen-age daughter answered the phone.  The person on the other end of the line seemed to know an awful lot about her, in her perception, and she informed us she