Nancy Brewer

More than Dog Loyalty

My dog escaped this morning — EARLY this morning.  I padded out to the kitchen around 6 am today.  As per routine, I opened the back door to let the dog do his morning business in the back yard.  I proceeded to make coffee and unload the dishwasher.  I finally

Thankful Preparations

I don’t normally buy this many groceries.  After all, it is just my husband and myself.  We like to eat, but really?  We are still just two people. My kids are coming home for the holiday, and they are bringing friends. I like that.  I like that my home can

Family Graduation

I had the privilege this week to attend a special graduation; I went to a TUMI graduation.  It was held at our local  prison, and the gentlemen graduating were all incarcerated.  I was invited to go by my friend who has been teaching the course the men were graduating from