Nancy Brewer

February is a Month to LOVE Books!

Welcome to February! I’ve decided to approach my blog differently this month. One of the things I love most is reading. I wouldn’t describe myself as a voracious reader but curling up with a book is a safe place for me. I relax, I learn things, I imagine, and I grow.

Learning from God’s Word

One of my favorite things to read is God’s Word and I mostly write about that in this space. God comes alive to me as I read His story and the story of those He calls His own. I believe diving into God’s Word is a daily discipline that feeds one’s spirit and enables us to become the people God created us to be.

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

God’s Word is big on gaining wisdom, learning, and growing. The entire book of Proverbs is dedicated to the idea that we should seek to be wise.

“My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, listening closely to wisdom and directing your heart to understanding; furthermore, if you call out to insight and lift your voice to understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it like hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God.  For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” 

Proverbs 2:1-6

Learning from Others

The Bible also teaches us that we learn from others.

Photo by May Gauthier on Unsplash

  • Paul says in Philippians 3:17 and in 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9 to imitate his behavior.
  • In 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul talks about teaching others who will teach others.
  • Proverbs 21:11 tells us we learn from what happens to others when they are punished.
  • Colossians 3:16 presents the idea that we are to be talking about God’s Word, and then teaching and admonishing each other as we learn together.

The Two-sided Coin of Learning

We all learn in unique ways, and there is something we each learn easier than someone else. Learning is like a two-sided coin. On one side are the things we struggle to comprehend, and we need help. On the other side is what we understand and can explain to someone else. My daughter is great at seeing details and hidden truths in what she reads. My son is mechanically inclined and can figure out how things go together. Both are smart and capable, both bring something different to the table, both have areas where they need help.

Simply put, we need each other.

Books and the Stories They Share

There are books upon books upon books available for us to read. So many authors who are sharing what they have learned in their own unique story-telling style. For the next four weeks I’m going to share books I “love.”  These are books that have challenged me and helped me; the authors shared what I didn’t know and needed help to learn.

God’s Word is our ultimate source for truth. And we can learn from the stories of God moving and teaching someone else His profound truth. I hope the books I share will encourage and strengthen you on your journey to claiming all God’s truth in your life.

Get Out of Your Head, by Jennie Allen

Image from

My mind is often a very colorful and delightful place to be. My imagination can take me places that keep me entertained for hours if not days. I can be my own best friend and be absolutely content.

My mind can also be my worst enemy, trapping me in a tornado of negativity and anxiety. I can create scenarios in my head detailing out all the possible ‘what ifs’ that leave me afraid to move forward. My struggle with intense negativity is what led me to read Jennie Allen’s book, Get Out of Your Head.

For all of us, what we rehearse in our minds is what we tend to believe is true. Our thoughts determine our actions and our attitudes. How we approach our day, a new task, a relationship, or even a moment of relaxation depends on the words we tell ourselves in our head.

Get Out of Your Head is Anchored in the Word of God

I am grateful that Allen continually brought the reader back to truth found in God’s Word. Even before the content page, Allen has a page with Romans 12:2 printed out (“Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”) and the simple statement “This means it’s possible.” Allen wants her reader to successfully destroy what she calls “toxic thoughts,” and live into the truth of what God says about us.

Get Out of Your Head is Practical

Allen provides us with practical help while also sharing her own story of keeping her thoughts from spiraling out of control. She relates well to her reader and leads you to feel you aren’t struggling alone. I appreciated the fact that I never felt as if she was talking down to me.

One of my favorite things about the book is an illustration that she provides about our thought process. She uses the illustration throughout the book as she details out the various lies Satan tells us, along with a truthful God-honoring thought to defeat the lie. The illustration greatly enhanced my understanding of the thought process I was working to change.

Get Out of Your Head. Jennie Allen. page 9

Get Out of Your Head is Challenging

This book challenged me to think. Not in a “I can’t understand this” way, but in processing the battles of my own mind and how best to combat and win over any thoughts that lead me to doubt, or be anxious, or afraid. At times, the processing was hard, and Allen always gave me hope that God would enable me to win the battle.

Get Out of Your Head is a Wonderful Resource

If you are someone who struggles with worry, doubt, anxiety, measuring up or fitting in this book is a must read. Fair warning: I consider it a read-again book, or a “twofer.”  You will read this book more than once or refer to her illustration or a particular chapter time and time again.

Rereading or referring to this book doesn’t mean you didn’t understand or learn the lessons well. The battle fought in our minds is a common and difficult struggle for all of us, and Allen has provided an effective resource. The journey toward thinking like Jesus, and confidently believing all that God’s Word tells us is true is lifelong.

Allen’s book, Get Out of Your Head, can help us claim the truth of Romans 12:2, “Be transformed by the renewal of your mind,” and fully believe it’s possible.

Final Thoughts

I first read this book in 2020. I have referred to the diagram I mentioned more times than I care to admit. It’s time for me to read the book again. That’s how life is, isn’t it? Our journey with God is a constant process of learning and re-learning the lessons of releasing control to His wisdom and His plan. My mind needs a refresh, and the Holy Spirit will lead me through the process with the help of Jennie Allen’s book, Get Out of Your Head.

7 thoughts on “February is a Month to LOVE Books!

  1. This sounds like a good book. To be honest, my love to read tends to be for a good true story or a historical fiction book. I love history so reading about the assassination of President Garfield or those who lived through a time of war or reading a historical fiction by one of my favorite authors, are the books I tend to be drawn to. Another honest statement I can make is, I’ve yet to read a ” teaching” book yet that has been life changing or been an ah-ha moment for me. It’s really made me wonder about myself. Maybe I’m just not listening or am dull. I love reading God’s Word. It has changed me and formed me through the years. So having said this, your book suggestion does sound like a good book. Thanks for sharing. I’ll keep it in mind ( of course I’ll have to put down my other book 😳🤣)

    1. I love historical fiction too! Reading non-fiction has become an acquired taste for me to be honest. And for some reason, as I’ve gotten older, I feel guilty indulging too often in fiction. I get so into the book, everything else gets forgotten! 🙂

  2. I love to listen to audio books. I’m going to purchase this for my next trip. Thank you for sharing this, it was very timely for me.

    1. Audio books is a great way to go when traveling! I believe Jennie Allen reads her own book, so that could be really cool. I hope you enjoy it!

  3. I have to agree with Karen. 😊 I enjoy both fiction and nonfiction, but normally stories rather than study books. I love when they convey particular Biblical truths in an easy to comprehend manner, like a parable. The Bible itself has been my guide and source of truth. II Corinthians 10:5 has been my go to verse on this issue. However, the book you mentioned hits on areas I’ve always struggled with, so I may have to check it out. I still have much to learn.

    1. Thanks for sharing Loretta! You ladies are encouraging my heart to just sit down with a fiction book and enjoy. 🙂 Thanks for the little nudge!

  4. I have to agree with Karen. 😊 I enjoy both fiction and nonfiction, but normally stories rather than study books. I love when they convey particular Biblical truths in an easy to comprehend manner, like a parable. The Bible itself has been my guide and source of truth. II Corinthians 10:5 has been my go to verse on this issue. However, the book you mentioned hits on areas I’ve always struggled with, so I may have to check it out. I still have much to learn.

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