Nancy Brewer

Four Simple Truths to Anchor Us in God’s Abundant Life

I recently read a blog I had written in March 2014 entitled “Making Soup.” I told the story of Bobby’s latest visit to my house. My little friend Bobby was two at the time and I was babysitting while his parents went to the dentist. Bobby loved to cook, so when he came over every pot and pan I owned ended up on my kitchen floor. On this particular day, Bobby made soup.

Toddlers have a marvelous gift to get lost in the moment. Bobby wasn’t really making soup, but he believed he was. Bobby was enchanted with the make-believe life he was living that day. He displayed for me the abundant life God wants us to live; we are to live convinced we are doing worthwhile things, delighting in the moments we are creating and choosing to share it all with someone else.

Emotionally Empty

As I read my words, I knew I wasn’t currently living up to Bobby’s standards. Furthermore, I recognized I was feeling emotionally empty. June and July had both been packed with conferences, vacation, celebrations, and work. As a result, I was still catching up on the sleep I had lost, plus I missed the energy I felt while adventuring.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

I also realized I was in the process of making a plethora of decisions. For instance, which new phone to purchase? Should we sell our house and down-size? What activities and habits do I need to return to for my best health? How can I squeeze more discipleship moments into my already busy schedule?

I know some of you understand empty emotions, however your reasons are more intense than mine. You are deal with severe health issues, financial difficulties, and/or relational war zones. Some of you can’t afford to feel more, because you know the weight of the grief, pain, or extent of trauma is too fresh and overwhelming.

Truth to Fill the Void

When I came face to face with my emotional need, I went to God’s Word. God’s Spirit generously provided wisdom and grace in Psalms 23:5. He gave me four truths to anchor my thoughts and lead me back toward fully experiencing the wonder of His presence.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

Psalms 23:5 CSB

We Live Amid the Enemy

The first truth God pointed out to me is we live amid the enemy. Every day the enemy works to sabotage our faith. For example, he whispers lies to us about ourselves, He encourages us to believe cultural standards are most important, and He whittles away our resolve to “set [our minds] on things above.” (Colossians 3:2)

God Provides

Photo by Tim Cooper on Unsplash

The second truth God disclosed is He provides. God graciously prepares a feast-filled table with all we need right there in front of the enemy. God isn’t intimidated by the enemy; He isn’t afraid, nor is He uncomfortable doing what He wants to do with the enemy looking over His shoulder.

Paul told the Philippians God would supply all we need “according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” God doesn’t offer an ideal social media life for us to wallow in. God always provides what our souls desperately need through Jesus. In other words, He blesses us with salvation, peace of mind, the power to stand firm, an attitude of gratefulness as we focus on His goodness, and the assurance we are chosen and accepted as His heirs.

God Anoints Us with Oil

The third truth God revealed is He anoints our heads with oil. I may have given God an eye roll on this particular revelation as I wondered what in the world that meant. I did a little digging (i.e., google) and discovered there were several answers to my curious questions.

  • Oil was used throughout the Bible to set people apart for service.
  • Oil was used as medicine and could signify God’s healing.
  • Hosts used oil on festive occasions to welcome and honor individual guests. It reflected refreshment, prosperity, and rejoicing.
  • Oil is often linked to the Holy Spirit.
  • Shepherds used oil to shield sheep from flies and other insects that tormented the sheep by creating a protective barrier.

I am not a Hebrew scholar; therefore, I can’t honestly say which imagery David had in mind. I do know, as I look at the list, I see God’s investment in and care for His people. He chooses us to be involved in His mission of bringing the Kingdom of God to earth. In addition, He wants to heal us of our spiritual brokenness, so we know we are welcomed and honored as His beloved guests at His table.

However, the final two pictures speak to me most. As I sit at God’s table abundant with provision, while being surrounded by the enemy, He goes one step further. He pours His Spirit over me as a protective barrier to hold the enemy at bay. God knows how the enemy will annoy me and break down my will, consequently He graciously gives me the shield of His presence, so I am safe.

Our Cups Overflow

The fourth and final truth God showed me is He wants our cups to overflow. God is good and generous; He doesn’t ever skimp on His gifts. Second Corinthians 9:8 says, “And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.” (CSB, italics mine for emphasis) God pours Himself out for us, and upon us, so that our lives overflow with His abundance.

Photo by Zac Harris on Unsplash

I wonder if you are like me and too often you read God’s promises expecting a worldly answer. For example, I’ve wondered at times, where is my provision, my protection, or my healing? I inappropriately look for a bigger paycheck, public affirmation, or a life with less hassle. I expect my protection to look like the Avengers grandly swooping in, or my healing to come after I swallow a couple of pills.

Living in God’s Wondrous Abundance

We must remember the four truths found in Psalm 23:5, and the lesson I learned from Bobby. Life is filled with wonder and possibilities. We must choose to believe God, in His love and goodness, moves and provides, even when we can’t see His movement or don’t feel He is loving and good. Though we are surrounded by the enemy, God provides a feast for us. He protects us and shields us; we are safe He gives us everything we need through the abundant presence of His Spirit. And when we dwell in God’s presence, we find ourselves enchanted and we become wondrously lost in His grace.

Girl with Pan Photo by Karly Gomez on Unsplash