Nancy Brewer

Two Reasons Why Jesus is the Perfect Gift

We are fully in the hectic holiday hustle. If you are like me, you have a list of people, and each person has an attached list of possible gift ideas.

Types of Shoppers

Some of us are happy hunters. We define the idea of spending time searching for the ideal gift as pure delight. We don’t mind the crowds or the cost or the time.

Some of you are cautious consumers. You worry over every possibility and struggle to make a final decision on any gift.

Others of you are panic purchasers. You belatedly realize you need to buy a gift for someone, then dash about, desperate to find anything that might work. Sadly, you are rarely confident with your choice.

Finally, some of you are basic bottom-line buyers. You have no emotional attachment to the gift buying process. You see an item, judge it to be practical and economical, and decide it must be perfect.

What is the Perfect Gift?

We feel an unstated pressure to find the perfect gift. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a satisfactory definition for such a present. I’ve come to believe the perfect gift has impact. It may not be the most expensive, or the most hoped for item. However, it is the object that winds up being used often and creates a strong emotional connection with the giver.

My Childhood Perfect Gift

When I was a small child, my family visited my grandmother months before Christmas. My grandmother took my sister, Susan, and I shopping. We were allowed to pick out what we wanted for Christmas that year. My grandmother purchased what we selected and then tucked it away for the big day.

I picked out a koala teddy bear. Fifty plus years later, I still have that bear. I played with the bear for years, I took him to college, he stayed with me after I got married, and he survived my children’s childhood.

Photo by Jens Aber on Unsplash

Every time I see him, I am reminded of how much my grandmother loved me. She wanted to purchase a gift for me that I picked out myself when I spent the day with her. I don’t remember what I named the koala bear, but he maintains a significant impact in my life.

The Gift-giving Dilemma

I think Christ is pleased we value and honor the people in our lives with gifts at Christmas time. However, I don’t believe Christ would say gifts are the pinnacle of Christmas. And yet, consider how often we emphasize buying and giving presents throughout the holiday season.

God’s Perfect Gift

It is important we remember God gave us the perfect gift, because His gift has the ultimate impact. I’m sure you’ve heard it before; Jesus is the best gift of the season. Even though it sounds cliché’, we must anchor the truth of Christ’s gift in our hearts and minds so we can fully celebrate Advent.

Jesus Connects Us with God, the Father

First of all, God’s gift of Jesus is the perfect gift because Christ’s eventual sacrifice was designed to connect us with God Himself. God provided what we needed. Jesus is the most loving, wondrous, practical gift ever imagined. In addition, God gave us something we could never afford on our own. We will never have nor be enough to earn the gift God gave us. Furthermore, God gave his gift out of deep and overwhelming love.

We would be lost without God’s amazing gift. Jesus gifts us the privilege of being in relationship with the Sovereign Creator of all things. God presented us with Himself and provided the way for us to enjoy His presence, His friendship, and His glory.

God’s Gift was Given to be Used

Second, God gave His gift to be used. Daily. Constantly. Forever. Jesus’ gift of Himself extends beyond the initial unwrapping when we realized Christ came to be our Savior. We apply and experience God’s gift long past the season when our relationship with Him felt fresh and new. God gifts Christ’s presence to us in hurtful moments, on stressful days, and amid circumstances so difficult we feel forgotten.

God reminds us in HIs Word how He designed His gift to be used. Here are a few examples.

  • The Holy Spirit lives in us, so we never journey alone. (1 Corinthians 6:19)
  • Jesus continually gives us peace of mind and heart. We don’t need to ever be afraid. (John 14:27)
  • The Holy Spirit, who dwells in us, gives us guidance, and reveals truth that helps us know how we are to live (John 16:13)
  • We are given inner strength from God’s unlimited resources  (Ephesians 3:16)
  • The Spirit of God gifts us the ability to be obedient (Ezekiel 36:27)

God provided a unique gift that never wears out. When we receive a gift we truly love, we often take exceptional care so the gift lasts longer. With Jesus, the more you use the gift, the more you discover His ins and outs. You learn the best ways to connect with Christ and how to leverage all the advantages only He provides. God didn’t design the gift of Jesus to sit on a shelf and only be pulled down for special occasions.

An Old-School Gift

My treasured koala bear didn’t do anything techie. There was nothing new-fangled about him in any way; he was an old-school toy. However, he still reminds me I am loved and treasured. He speaks to the truth that my grandmother valued my uniqueness and longed to honor me. He prompts me to remember my heritage and how precious it is. When I see my koala bear, I see Grandma Lucille.

When we see Jesus, we see the giver of the gift. We see God Almighty. Jesus isn’t a super techie gift, in fact He’s pretty old-school. However, He reminds us we are loved and treasured. He speaks to the truth that God values our uniqueness, and longs to give us the life He designed us to live. Christ prompts us to remember who created us, and how God has always been pursuing us, longing for a deeper relationship with us.

Take Jesus Off the Shelf

This Advent don’t get caught up in finding the perfect gift. We have all been given the best gift already. Jesus was given to be used and to be known.

Choose to pull Jesus down off the shelf; carve out time to spend with God’s gift. Read His Word, pray, worship, and meditate on His truth. Choose God’s gift over watching another Christmas movie, or shopping for another stocking stuffer. Allow God to impact you and experience the full wonder of God’s perfect gift this Christmas.

Gift Photo by Ben White on Unsplash