Nancy Brewer

Refinishing Floors Reveals My Need for Gratitude

My sweet Pastor husband and I chose to refinish the wood floor in our home one year. When the gentleman come to price the job, he kindly informed us we should have done it sooner. Though we considered refinishing the floors before, we deemed other household projects more crucial, or wiser in improving the value of our home.

Let me be honest, refinishing your floors is like buying underwear; it needs to be done. A homeowner gains joy and satisfaction from a newly refinished floor. However, no one else really appreciates it much, nor do they even notice. Unless you are dealing with homeowners like us.

Homeowners Like Us

My sweet Pastor husband and I get excited about our household projects. I’ve never asked my friends, but I have wondered if, perhaps, just maybe, we talk about our home projects a bit too much. On this occasion, we were going on and on about a floor. We didn’t get a NEW floor, we didn’t move from linoleum to hard wood, or carpet to tile, or tile to carpet. We chose to have wood sanded down, and a new protective coat layered over it. And yet I talked continuously about refinishing our wood floor.

We needed to move out of the kitchen while the floor guy worked his magic. I processed that appropriately and put dinners in the freezer for easy meal prep. We set up a mini kitchen in our basement with breakfast cereal, the toaster, the all-important coffee pot, a cutting board, and paper products. In addition, we owned a fridge in our garage as well as a travel trailer complete with fridge, oven, and microwave. I eagerly planned for one week of displacement.

Displaced for Two Weeks

We had two weeks. For those of you who have done complete kitchen remodels, two weeks is nothing. For those of you who have done any kind of home makeover, two weeks is pittance. We endured two weeks, just fourteen days, of a different rhythm to life. Just two weeks.

Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

I have faced myself in the mirror and I am a whiner. I wanted people to know and commiserate with me about the difficulty of having no convenient kitchen. Poor me, I had to walk through my two-car garage, and out into my heated travel trailer where I cooked while listening to music. I had to go back into the house and get bowls, or to the garage and get different food. Plus, the trailer is not huge like my kitchen was.

To intensify my hardship, I couldn’t figure out the TV reception in the trailer — goodness! It was like the dark ages. I wanted others to tell me how strong I was, how glad I would be when I saw my beautiful shiny floors. I wanted them to say things like, “oh, I don’t know if I could do that!” or “oh! ANOTHER whole week?!” or “Here’s $50, take yourself out to dinner!”  I wanted someone to tell me my life really was hard, and to be inconvenienced in such a way is the worst.

Dealing with the Real Issues

We eventually moved back into the kitchen. I found my coffee more conveniently accessible each morning. The dog gained access to the whole house and acted happier. Plus God now forced me to deal with the real issues of my life; He brought to light my ingratitude.

God’s Word tells me: “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18); “Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe.” (Hebrews 12:28); “And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts… And always be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15); “Do everything without complaining and arguing.” (Philippians 2:14).

I had so much to be thankful for, even though life was inconvenient. However, I didn’t experience peace during our floor refinishing project. I missed seeing the hand of God in the midst of the day to day, instead of just viewing it in hindsight. God offered his very life so I could live in eternity with Him and I bypassed a myriad of opportunities to offer Him praise, glory, and honor.

My husband and I refinished our wood floors while God sanded down my heart and sealed me with His goodness and grace.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Your Journey:

Are you currently spending time and energy whining or complaining? What is causing your frustration and/or discontent?

Read Philippians 2:12-18. What phrases jump out to you and why?

Read Philippians 2:12-18 again. What do you learn about God?

Read Philippians 2:12-18 yet again (you could read it in a different translation!). What do you learn about the body of Christ, about others?

Take a moment to listen to God’s Holy Spirit as you look over how you’ve answered the preceding questions. Is there an area God is gently asking if He has permission to sand and then cover you in the healing oil of His Spirit?

Take a moment to celebrate. Where have you seen the hand of God in your day-to-day life over the last 5 days?