How to Define God’s Goodness Amid Not Good Circumstances
I don’t generally perceive myself to be someone who sees everything in black and white. I comprehend why people often describe areas as grey. However, I do tend to view life as good or not good. When life is smooth, I label it good. Consequently, when life is hard, confusing, and/or fearful, I tag it as not good.
The Goodness of God
God’s Holy Spirit revealed to me that since He is good, there must always be good in my life. Hence, I concluded there is good to discover amid the not good circumstances we all deal with from time to time.
As I read scripture, I don’t ever come across a verse promising me an idyllic life. God promises hope, peace, courage, strength, provision, and His continual presence. I find each of those elements even amid situations I identify as not good.
God’s Good in Familiar Bible Stories
In the Bible stories we learned as children in Sunday School, I see good amid the not good.
Joseph endured betrayal, slavery, and prison. Yet God graciously blessed him with His presence, patience, courage, stamina, and the ability to remain future-focused.
Daniel experienced exile, betrayal, and a group of hungry lions. God blessed him with a spirit of worship, great faith, recognition and trust by people in power, and astounding protection.
While the Israelites wandered the wilderness, their punishment for disobedience, God still provided for their physical needs. He sent manna every morning, quail every evening, and water from a rock. God also led them in a cloud by day, and fire by night. Plus, He defeated their enemies who desired to attack them.
The apostle Paul dealt with shipwrecks, prison, and countless beatings. Amid horrific circumstances, Paul also experienced rescue, moments of deep worship, opportunities to spread the gospel, gifts from believers to express their support, as well as a steadfast faith.
Good is Found in Relationship with God
“It is because of the LORD’s lovingkindnesses that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness. ‘The LORD is my portion and my inheritance,’ says my soul; ‘Therefore I have hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him.’ The LORD is good to those who wait [confidently] for Him, to those who seek Him [on the authority of God’s Word].”
Lamentations 3:22-25, Amplified version
Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, reminds us in Lamentations that regardless of circumstances, God is good to us. In view of a Holy God, we deserve nothing but judgement. However, God loves us and is faithful to pursue us.
Did you notice Jeremiah doesn’t say God will fix everything and make life better? Instead, Jeremiah tells us God Himself is what He gives to us. Each and every day, God provides us with a relationship with Him that fills our soul with what we need more than anything else.
Goodness Found in the Dark
In the Advent study I did this year, the author, Chris Pappalardo, stated, “The light of Christmas shines brightly. But it must shine in darkness.” (He is Here, day 13, page 58. 2021 Advent Blocks. Blockheads L.L.C.) I pondered this statement and I realized a couple of things. First, I appreciate Christ’s goodness to me best, when my days are darkest. Second, God’s goodness in our lives is a testimony of grace, peace, and hope to those who don’t know yet know Him.
Last year at this time, my sweet Pastor husband and I lived at the Farmhouse while our home was built. I told you the story of mice at the Farmhouse and and my overwhelming fear. God didn’t miraculously remove the mice. However, God provided an unexplainable peace as I depended on Him to grant me courage. I remember sitting on the couch, having seen movement out of the corner of my eye, and praying for God to intervene. I experienced fear welling up, and I also experienced an inner calmness from Christ that assured me I would be given what I needed to manage whatever happened.
Seeing the Goodness of God
Have you ever seen the movie National Treasure? In the movie, the main characters are searching for clues that will lead them to a treasure. The clues are all tied into American history. At one point, they find a pair of glasses made by Benjamin Franklin that help them read a hidden message on the back of the Declaration of Independence. With the aid of the colored glasses, they are able to see what is hidden to the naked eye.
Waiting on God and seeking Him, like Jeremiah talks about in Lamentations, is similar to putting on the colored glasses. When we seek Christ and how He is blessing us with His goodness, we see what we were unable to see before. We gain wisdom and perspective that defies what others claim is true or real.
God’s Goodness Amid My Not Good Circumstances
- When my oldest sister died, God’s goodness taught me confidence in His continual presence.
- When my friend Peggy was dying of a brain tumor, God’s goodness revealed the power of faithful prayer as He extended her life for a time.
- When my son needed surgery to fix his lazy eye, God’s goodness placed us in a city with an amazing children’s hospital. God also graciously provided a surgeon friend who walked with us through the whole experience.
- When I needed to stay with my mom for 7 weeks while she dealt with cancer, God’s goodness provided friends who prayed for me and sent me cards and gifts to sustain me.
- I encountered too many circumstances where God provided just enough funds to meet the need of an unexpected expense. My sweet Pastor husband and I may have had to release what we were saving for, and yet we knew God’s goodness toward us.
- When I dealt with mice at the Farmhouse, God, in His goodness, led me to understand my absolute and continued desperation for Him.
Seek the Goodness of God
We will soon enter a New Year and gain a fresh start. God, in His goodness, offers us an opportunity to see life with special-colored lenses. I encourage you not to expect this year to be the best year ever. Instead, would you anticipate this year as the year you seek and see the goodness of God ~ regardless of the circumstance? Jesus has come, and He offers us a relationship with a Holy God that brings us the richest and best blessings life can provide.
So Good Wall Art Photo by Daniel Salcius on Unsplash