Nancy Brewer

Remaining in God’s Love when Your World Falls Apart

Does it feel like the world is falling apart to you?  There are many moments throughout a day when I feel that’s exactly what is happening!  We are still enduring a pandemic, there are world tragedies in Haiti and Afghanistan, we deal with mask wars on social media, political battles at every turn, and wonky weather across the nation. When you add in personal circumstances like cancer, divorce, financial woes, work related stress and unfulfilled dreams, “just keeping it together” seems like the only option.

Inspiration and Mantras

Curiosity led me to search “inspiration” on Pinterest. I discovered a wide array of things.  

“You got this!”

“Every answer is inside you.”

“You can, you should and if you start now, you will.” (Janet Gwen)

“Good things come to those who hustle.”

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.” (Ellen Johnson Sirleaf)

“Girl, you totally got this”

My personal favorite: “On a bad day there’s always lipstick” (Audrey Hepburn)

It made my heart ache; there was no real hope.

I admit, I have had days when I’ve claimed a phrase and made it my mantra.  In those moments, I was trying to convince myself of something I didn’t really believe.  I will never believe yogurt can replace ice cream, or that cleaning the house is a blessing to my family.  And yet, I have found myself mumbling similar words over and over to myself. 

Jesus says we are to remain in Him.

“As my Father has loved me, I have also loved you.  Remain in my love.” 

John 15:9 CSB

We are like elementary school children on a field trip.  Our group is the best ever. We have our buddies with us, and we are being corralled by a “cool mom.” The trip is to some place awesome though we aren’t sure where.  We look like a litter of puppies, excited and curious, wandering, dashing, piling on top one another, while continually wondering when it’s time for snacks.

Then we get distracted.

Photo by note thanun on Unsplash

Perhaps our group is moving faster than we like and there’s an exhibit we want to spend more time with.  We perk up our ears when we hear another group laughing loudly, tempted to go explore where they are. Our “cool mom” keeps telling us to hurry along and now someone else’s mom seems better.  Two of our buddies have been talking non-stop only to each other and we feel left out. 

We don’t want our group anymore; our attention is focused anywhere and everywhere else.

What Does it Mean to Remain?

In John 15:9, the Greek word for remain is the word meno.  Strong’s Concordance defines meno as “to stay (in a given place, state, relation or expectancy): -abide continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain stand, tarry (for).” 

Our goal is to abide, dwell, be present in God’s love. We are not just hanging out in God’s love; we are to be encompassed by it completely. To truly remain in God’s love means we are conscious of where we are, and we are choosing to be there.

John 15:10 tells us that we remain in God’s love when we keep His commands.  Let’s go back to our field trip scenario.  We can obey the cool mom and still long to be in another group; we remain with our buddies, but we are longing to be somewhere else.  In God’s kingdom that’s not obeying or remaining, that’s considered divided loyalty (see Isaiah 29:13, James 4:4 and I John 2:15).

We must be captured by what we already have in Christ.

God’s love needs to captivate our hearts: again, or completely for the first time. We need to see God’s love like we first saw our group on our field trip: it’s the best of the best and we are on the adventure of a lifetime!

How well do you know God’s love?

God gave us His Word so that we could know all about His great love for us.

  • 1 John 4:18 – God’s love is perfect. It drives out fear.
  • Romans 8:35-39 – Nothing can keep God from loving us. God’s love empowers us to be more than conquerors.
  • Ephesians 3:17-19 – God’s love anchors us. It is deeper than what we can fathom and surpasses all we can comprehend. It is because of God’s love that we are filled with “all the fullness of God.”
  • Psalm 5:11-12 – God’s love is a shield that provides a refuge.
  • Psalm 36:5-7 – God’s love is faithful and priceless, beyond what we can grasp.
  • 1 John 3:1 – God’s love is great. It is given freely; we don’t earn it, nor do we have to pay for it. God’s love allows us to be His children.
  • Ephesians 1:4 – God’s love makes us holy and blameless before a Holy and Righteous God.
  • John 3:16 – God’s love is sacrificial, all-encompassing and our entry to eternal life with God, Himself.

But wait! There’s more!

Take the time to look up Romans 5:5-8, Ephesians 2:4 & 5, 2 Corinthians 5:14 & 15, Proverbs 3:11 & 12, Psalm 31: 7 & 8, and Lamentations 3:20-23.  This is not an exhaustive list by any means.  Read the stories of Noah, Moses, Ruth and Naomi, Hosea, Zacchaeus, and the parable of the prodigal son. Study the story of Jesus himself by reading all four gospels.  The Bible is packed with God’s love bursting forth.

The Struggle to Remain

The idea of remaining in God’s love may sound appealing and you also may be experiencing a powerful distraction in your life. The struggle to “keep it all together” dominates you. Perhaps you feel betrayed, left out, alone, overwhelmed, or just plain lost.  You want to dwell in God’s love, but you are preoccupied by what you have, by what you don’t have, or by what you wish you had.

How Do We Remain in God’s Love?

Make a determined choice to turn your focus to Jesus. You can do this by reading your Bible.  Turn off the TV and listen to worship music. Create time-alone space to journal and pray, pray and journal. Write a verse about God’s love on a 3×5 card and meditate on it though out your day.

Allow God to wrap you in the blanket of His presence. Lamentations 3:24 says, “. . . The Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in him.” God’s presence is enough on any day, regardless of the circumstance. Look at your circumstance through the filter of who God is, and the truth that He is Emmanuel and He is with you.

Be present in the middle of God’s amazing love.  Intentionally look for how God expresses His grace to you. Has He provided encouragement through a phone call, a card in the mail, or a friend’s presence? Is there something unexpected that has made the day smoother? Does a song, reminding you of who God is, keep playing through your mind? Express your gratitude and savor His love expressed through His goodness and faithfulness.

God’s love provides all we need, even when the world may be falling apart around us.

I’m praying for you.  

2 thoughts on “Remaining in God’s Love when Your World Falls Apart

  1. Oh man is that true that it feels like the world is falling apart and we will never know “normal” again! So much struggle and hurt and in some places it feels like evil is on a fast rollercoaster. Boy do I hang on to Jesus. He is my Rock, my peace my comforter. The other day I played one of my favorite songs “In Christ Alone”. I was all by myself as I listened and found myself lost in worship. All the worries of the world fell away! Praise God for His love and peace. ❤️

    1. Karen I love your attitude. Your heart is always so hungry for more of Christ! Thank you for showing others what it looks like to be captivated by what you have in Jesus.

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