Nancy Brewer

Godly Wisdom for the Old War in the New Year

Christmas and New Years are over and there is that odd emotional letdown. If your celebrations were wonderful, there’s a sadness it’s now over and life has moved back to its normal daily rhythms. For those whose holidays were not as charming, we discover disappointment mixes in with the sadness and we wonder if that is all the holidays will ever be.

We can find ourselves grumpy, frustrated and continually complaining about the weather. A little more than a week ago the thought of snow was enchanting; now it feels dreary and too cold to enjoy. We glare at the credit card bills, as well as the rising heat bill. We begin to dream of spring and flowers and abundant sunshine.

Our big holiday push for joy ends, and we’re left with the mundane. Happy 2022?

I don’t mean to be Debbie Downer, but I tend to have grand expectations for Christmas and then New Year’s celebrating a fresh start. More than anything, I want the hope, peace, joy, and love we emphasized in December to continue through January. And it’s hard. Know what I mean?

Living in a War Zone

The Holy Spirit reminded me the other day when I read Ephesians 6:12-18, we are in a war.

We don’t tend to see our lives as a war zone. When we do feel battles raging around us, we see other people as the adversary in our fight.

Photo by Stijn Swinnen on Unsplash
  • The co-worker you struggle to get along with
  • The family member who rides on your every nerve
  • The doctor who informed you of an unpleasant diagnosis
  • The boss who trimmed back your hours or let you go completely
  • The friend on Facebook who won’t get off his latest soap box
  • The person in front of you who is moving too slow
  • The mother you don’t know who is dealing with a screaming child while you are trying to get your shopping done
  • The friend whom you perceive is ignoring you just when you need her most

We feel annoyed by the littlest things and sense our tempers smoldering. We want others to adapt to us so that living out Christmas’ joy, peace, hope, and love is easier. If only we didn’t have people to deal with! Ephesians 6:12 tells us people aren’t the problem.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.” 

Ephesians 6:12

Know your Enemy

We are in a war with The Enemy, God’s enemy. The devil will do anything and everything to keep us from experiencing the abundant life Jesus came to provide us. Peter reminds us in his first letter to the exiles that “the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” (1 Peter 5:8, CSB) The Enemy is fighting to destroy us and capture the territory where we build a relationship with God. That’s the nature of war.

The Enemy can be subtle and sneaky. He will lead us to believe the people around us are the problem when the real struggle is something inside of us. We wage battles in our mind, in the foundation of our belief, and in our inability to accept the life God gives us.

Preparing for Battle

Photo by Artur Tumasjan on Unsplash

Paul goes on in Ephesians 6 to talk about the armor of God. He uses the picture of a man dressed in appropriate gear for a brutal battle. He says Truth is the warrior’s belt, Righteousness is the breastplate, Peace protects the feet, Faith is the shield, Salvation is the helmet and God’s Word is the sword.

As I spent time imagining why Paul described each piece of the armor as he did, I realized each element connects to who God is. God is truth, and righteousness and peace. Faith in God declares God is good, wise, powerful, and always for us. God provides salvation, we can acquire it no other way than through the gift of grace due to Jesus’ death on the cross. And God’s Word is His communication to us so that we know who He is and how He is continually pursuing us because of His love for us.

God is our Armor

We are not to put on God’s armor as outward pieces of protection. We don’t say, “I just need a little truth to get me through this battle.” Or “I just need to focus on the fact that I’m saved, and I’ll get over this skirmish.”  God’s armor is a representation of who God is, and we are to put on the very presence and person of God Himself. Every. Day.

Ephesians 6:18 reminds us that God is wanting to be with us, always.

“Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.”

Ephesians 6:18, CSB

Did you catch those boundaries? “All times.” “Every prayer and request.” Paul is saying that God wants an ongoing conversation with us about every little detail we experience throughout even the most mundane days. The Holy Spirit knows we are in a war for our lives, and He is the One with the winning battle plan. He knows we need the power and presence of God to enable and empower us to overcome.

Listen for God’s True Voice

I think that’s hard for us to comprehend; I know it’s hard for me. I’ve been in those conversations where I’ve thought to myself, “get over it already” or “quit whining and suck it up” or “pull up your big girl panties and grow up!” How we tend to respond, is how we often perceive God responds. But God isn’t saying any of those things.

God is saying, “The battle’s hard, and I’ve got a plan. Tell me what you’re thinking and feeling and then let me give you truth, let my righteousness remind you that I see you as holy. Let me infiltrate your heart and thoughts with the reality that I am good, all-wise, loving, and gracious. I am the God of the impossible and you really can do all things because I am here, and I am able.”

A Godly Battle Plan

Though we have entered a new year, we are still engaged in the same old war. The devil is fighting to annihilate our relationship with God, or at the least, sabotage our faith. And Jesus remains Emmanuel, He is with us.

As we begin again with fresh hopes, ideas, and plans, we must remember four things:

  1. There’s a war going on and the enemy will do anything to defeat us.
  2. The people in our lives are not the enemy. We are not fighting against flesh and blood.
  3. We are not alone, Emmanuel has come.
  4. God provides the armor of who He is to protect us and empower us.

One Last Thing…

“A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that; you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.”

Ephesians 6:10 & 11, NLT

Put on all of whom God is. Cover yourself in His presence. Keep talking to Him (all the time, about everything) and listening to His perfect strategy for winning. He is the God of the impossible.

I’m praying God’s hope, peace, joy, and love remain with you and in you.

Happy New Year Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “Godly Wisdom for the Old War in the New Year

  1. Such powerful truths. Thank you for sharing them. I loved this statement, “God’s armor is a representation of who God is, and we are to put on the very presence and person of God Himself. Every. Day.”

    1. When I studied the passage I was so struck by the idea that the armor of God is God himself! It gives me such peace and confidence.

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