Nancy Brewer

Hope is Found in God’s Wondrous Field of Grace

I woke the other morning with the beginnings of depression. My dreams during the night were emotionally stressful, and when I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the continual grey sky that has become our norm due to an inversion. I had the day off, but it felt dictated by necessary chores, with no time for relaxation or fun.

Life is good, there are no major struggles or desperate circumstances that I am fighting, but my emotions feel trapped in the grey, just like the weather. I’ve tried to Polly-Anna my way out of my funk, but I haven’t been successful. I have found myself experiencing bursts of laughter or enjoyment while wondering in the back of my mind where the joy came from, and if the happy mood will stay around.

Have you ever been there? Rationally you know all is well; emotionally you want to go back to bed, or at least snuggle up under a blanket and waste time binging anything on Netflix.

Choosing to Be with Jesus

I forced myself out of bed that morning, poured coffee into my mug, and sat down for time with Jesus. I admit, I wondered if my moments with Jesus were going to make things better for me. My fear was I would get up from my chair knowing truth but struggling to make it come alive in the grey that was seeping more into my soul.

Last week I wrote about connecting dots to create a new masterpiece that reveals fresh truth of who God is; that’s one of the ways God teaches us. Sometimes, God teaches me by blessing me with an image that brings a Biblical truth to life. It’s as if He pulls out His phone and shows me His Instagram account. I see a detailed picture in full color, and wonder fills my heart.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

A Picture from God

When I was a child, my family took vacations to the mountains. My mom loved the mountains, and my dad loved to go on hikes and see God’s wonders. We didn’t go on a trip every year, but my dad was always planning and the years we did travel where filled with memories I will always treasure.

One trip included a hike up a closed road. I don’t know where we were, I can’t even tell you what state we were in, but I remember that road, and I remember that hike. We came around a curve and there in front of us was a field filled with wildflowers. There were grandiose mountains in the distance, but I was completely entranced with the seemingly never-ending view of purple flowers.

Photo by 晨 朱 on Unsplash

That’s the picture I see in my mind every time I read Romans 5:2. And on that grey morning that’s what I read.

“Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have also obtained access through him by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” 

Romans 5:1-2 CSB

Wildflower Picture of Grace

In the middle of my grey, God threw open His photo album, and pulled out a picture of that field of wildflowers. Then Jesus gently whispered to my heart, “Imagine yourself standing in the middle of that field. All those flowers represent my grace, and there’s so much of it, that it surrounds you and it seems to go on and on forever. This grace I have for you is beautiful and awe-inspiring and it will delight you in ways you can’t fathom. Go ahead child, stand in my field of flowering grace, just stand there, and try to take it all in.”

I did stand there. I soaked in everything my imagination allowed me to see. And while standing among the wildflowers God’s Spirit reminded me of the truth of His grace.

The Truth of Grace

  • We are declared righteous by faith (Romans 5:1). It doesn’t depend on what we do, or our emotional state, God’s grace reaches us.
  • We have peace with God through Jesus (Romans 5:1). We have an ongoing relationship with the Creator of all things. He accepts us and wants to be with us, even when we are feeling grey.
  • We have access to an unending supply of grace because of Christ (Romans 5:2). This grace is so abundant we can stand in it, surrounded by it, completely enveloped in its fragrance; this grace is so powerful, that even when the days are hard, it enables us to stand.
  • We are transformed into people of hope (Romans 5:2). God’s grace enables us to see beyond our present circumstance to the day when we get to stand not only in grace, but in the glorious presence of God Almighty.
  • God pours His love into our hearts (Romans 5:5). God doesn’t just offer grace; He loves us with an overwhelming love, and He pours it out on us.
  • God blesses us with His own Spirit to dwell within us (Romans 5:5). Even when the days are grey, we are not alone. We are not left to figure things out on our own, nor are we pushed aside until we are managing life more successfully.

Reflecting on God’s Wildflower Grace

After allowing God’s grace to soak into my soul, I wrote this in my journal:

“I need this image today. I am not alone. I am loved and treasured and delighted in. God sees something in me that I don’t always see in myself. God is giving me His best when I don’t deserve it and I haven’t earned it. The world feels dark and oppressive and exhausting. God is providing me a field of grace – wildflowers – and then He’s pouring His glory and wisdom and power and acceptance and peace into me. I need to see His grace to me as beautiful and full of color and Spring.”

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Experiencing God’s Wildflower Grace

You can experience the glory of God’s grace, even in the middle of your grey.

  1. Sit with Jesus and read His Word.
  2. Read the following verses about grace and write down every benefit of standing in grace. 2 Corinthians 12:7b-10; Ephesians 2:4-10; Hebrews 4:15-16; James 4:4-8; 1Peter 5:8-10
  3. Imagine God pouring His love into you. Allow your senses to come alive; feel how He is expressing His love to you in what you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell.
  4. Remind your heart of what adding God to your circumstances can do. On a 3×5 card, write down what’s making life grey, then write the word “and” and then list a benefit of standing in God’s grace. Keep this card close by to remind yourself of truth.

Oh, sweet friend, God has grace for you today. It is as wondrous as a surprise field of wildflowers that extends as far as the eye can see. The world may feel dark, but God’s grace is wildly colorful and abundantly fragrant.

Grace Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “Hope is Found in God’s Wondrous Field of Grace

  1. I really needed these words today. I almost can smell the fragrance of God’s grace. Pray for my son, Nancy, I’m losing him. I have Covid 19 and can’t go see him. Please pray for peace as Ben’s body struggles to live. Help him to relax in Jesus arms. I know his heart is right with God which is a great comfort. I appreciate your beautiful words of God’s grace, Nancy.


    1. Oh Darla, my heart hurts for you and with you. I have been praying and will continue to do so for all of you. Your journey is difficult beyond words. I’m grateful God spoke to you through the words I wrote. Life is hard, and God is good. Love you my friend.

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