
We Need to Give God the Credit

Her name was Stacey. We went to High School together.  Stacey ran in different circles from me, but we did have the same English class.  I remember it was early Spring because she was prepping for a big basketball game to determine if the girls team would compete at State. 

Living into David’s Psalm of Thanksgiving

I woke the other morning emotionally tired.  I got enough sleep, my body was rested, but my heart was “bland.”  Describing what I wasn’t feeling is difficult. In those early morning moments, it seemed too much effort to conjure anticipation for the day, hope, happiness, or even quiet contentment.  I

Dealing with “Nothing Good Syndrome”

Do you ever talk in extremes?  “Today was the worst day ever!” “I can’t do anything right!” I’m a total failure!” “I always mess up.” “Nobody cares.” “I’ll never be able to (blank).” “Nothing good ever happens to me!”  We all have those moments when life is overwhelming.  In those

Keeping God in the Loop

I recently got a phone call from my brother-in-law.  He doesn’t normally call me; it was odd.  He left a message on my cell phone after I had gone to bed, requesting I call him back the next day so he could fill me in on my sister.  So many


My husband got a great board game for Christmas this past year called Pandemic Legacy. It’s designed so that you play the game once a month (twice if you lose) for an entire year. Once a month we have an opportunity to save the world from a Pandemic, you either

God Talk

My Pastor husband and I have always been aware that we are distinctly different.  We are strong examples of the famous adage “opposites attract.”  We gained labels describing our differences when we took the Clifton StrengthFinders® assessment test.  Tim is an achiever who likes to complete lists and tasks; I

Dirty Windshields

 My car needs a bath. I noticed on the on my way to work the other day how distracting the windshield is. The dead bugs and the bird poop aren’t blocking my line of sight; they are blocking my view.  When I’m driving, I can’t help but continually notice the

Pray for Me

  I was struggling and I knew it.  My emotions were all over the map, I was teetering on the precipice of depression as I huddled in my corner alone.  I longingly desired to say the simple words: pray for me.  I couldn’t.  My mind shouted lies at me: you

Mother’s Day: Yeah?

  Mother’s Day is fast approaching.  The local Wal-Mart has boxes filled with flowers.  Every type of store has a collection of cards.  Childcare providers are planning art activities with macaroni and yarn.  Fathers are beginning to panic because they aren’t sure what will make mom happiest.  Mother’s Day is


I work at a retail store and the shelves are crowded with Fourth of July decorations.  Customers are stocking up on flags and stars and decorated little red trucks. I admit I’ve purchased my own little stash. There is no doubt we are longing to celebrate the idea of freedom. 

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