Nancy Brewer

Sixteen Traits of God Found in Isaiah 43

  1. He is Creator (Isaiah 43:1). The word for create used in verse 1 is the same word used in Genesis 1:1. He is the God who can create something out of nothing, as well as form something new out of what already is (see Isaiah 43:1 and Genesis 2:7).
  2. He controls all of nature and/or circumstances (Isaiah 43:2).
  3. He is Yahweh, the I AM (Isaiah 43:3). This is the personal name God gave Himself when He spoke with Moses from the burning bush. He is the God who has always been and will always be.  He needs nothing but Himself to exist.
  4. He is the Holy One (Isaiah 43:3). The word for holy is the Hebrew word qadowsh and it means to be “sacred. . . set apart” and “free from defilement of crimes, idolatry, other unclean and profane things.” He is holy beyond what we can perceive is holiness.
  5. He is the God who redeems (Isaiah 43:1). He is the One who avenges, delivers, buy backs and rescues.
  6. He calls Israel by name (Isaiah 43:1). We are New Testament people, so as believers in Jesus, we get to be part of God’s people, which means He calls us by name.  Let that sink in.  Yahweh, the God who doesn’t need anything, knows who you are and speaks your name. 
  7. He identifies Israel, His people, as His own (Isaiah 43:1). He claims us, just like a parent claims a child.
  8. He promises to be with us when life is hard and messy (Isaiah 43:2). When there are floods and fires, when the journey is long, exhausting, and confusing. . . We. Are. Not. Alone.
  9. He is Savior (Isaiah 43:3). As New Testament people, we are used to that word.  Think of it for a moment from the perspective of the Israelites.  They were always getting themselves stuck in messes of their own making.  And time after time God is the one who stepped in to defend, help, preserve, and deliver Israel.  I remind us all: He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  He will do the same for us.
  10. He views His people as precious (Isaiah 43:4). We see babies and puppies as precious.  As we get older, we don’t see ourselves as precious, but God does.  As believers, we are His, and He says we are precious.
  11. He declares His people to be honored (Isaiah 43:4). The word for honored in Hebrew is the word kabad. It is a word that is heavy with meaning.  That “heaviness” adds descriptives like every, most and extreme. When God says we are honored, we’ve reached the epitome of being honored.  He values us that much!
  12. He professes His love for His people (Isaiah 43:4). We are told as children that Jesus loves us.  If you’ve grown up in the church, the idea is so very common.  But place yourself in the shoes of the Israelites.  They are scattered and Jerusalem is in ruins.  They know they have messed things up and down a bang-up job! Almighty God flat out states, “I love you.”  Despite their predicament, regardless of their disobedience, God says, “I love you.”  He’s speaking the same words to you and me. As a follower of Jesus, we can be assured, God love us.
  13. God recognizes our propensity to fear and encourages us away from it (Isaiah 43:5). I love that there is no judgement in God’s statement, just the reality that we don’t need to fear. His longing is that we don’t live bound by what-ifs and could-bes.
  14. God wants us to depend on Him, see Him instead of our fear (Isaiah 43:5). The verse repeats the idea “God is with us,” and as New Testament believers, God with us is not new concept. Let me ask: how many days do you need to be reminded in a week? I’m at seven.  Listen to God’s heart in his statement “I am with you.”  He wants us to see Him, depend on Him, talk with Him, laugh with Him, ask Him questions, seek His wisdom, spill our hurts and describe our joys. 
  15. God gives His people His name (Isaiah 43:7). God goes a step beyond claiming us. God says we get to be a part of His royal family.  It’s as if we have been foster children in His home, and now He’s adopting us.  We have the assurance that forever and always we belong to God.
  16. God gives His people purpose (Isaiah 43:7). God created us for His glory.  We are privileged to be in relationship with Him and allowed into His presence to worship.  He is Yahweh, the Holy One, and we are… well, just us. He created us to be fulfilled through our companionship with Him.

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