
How to Love Sincerely and Rejoice with Others Well

Our backyard is still dirt, just dirt. My sweet Pastor husband works diligently to get all the landscape pieces in place. He created a rock border, laid down weed barrier, and added a drip system. We are currently in the process of purchasing and planting bushes, which will then require

Discover How to Best Honor God through Sabbath

I remember Sunday mornings when my children were small. My sweet Pastor husband went to the church earlier than any of us wanted to go, so we always drove separately. Consequently, I woke my children, prodded them to get dressed, provided breakfast for them and delivered them to church. When

How to Manage Unmet Expectations in Four Simple Steps

Yesterday, I stood at the pulpit of our church instead of my sweet Pastor husband. It’s a tradition we’ve held for so long, I can’t remember when it started. I receive the privilege and opportunity to talk with Moms and share what God has laid on my heart. Today’s blog

Joy is Found When You Choose Obedience to God’s Adventure

Several weeks ago, my sweet Pastor husband used the word adventure in his sermon, and the word lingered in my mind. I continually danced around the word in personal mental gymnastics as I questioned myself. Am I adventurous? I confess I was once adventurous. However, as I’ve aged, I most

Walking in Love Every Day

For a season, my sweet Pastor husband and I lived in a house with more space than we needed. Consequently, we often hosted friends and family who were passing through our small town on their way to someplace else. I remember one weekend we hosted a young man who is

How to Easily Flip Chores into a Godly Mission

I am not a fan of laundry; I find laundry too unending. As the years passed and my children moved out, I discovered laundry less foreboding. Between my sweet Pastor husband and I, I wash four small loads, and everything is done. Extra Laundry However, when my son visited during