Nancy Brewer

How to Be a Good Steward of God’s Blessings

The day started great. As I got up, I knew my schedule for the day was low key. I had a few things to catch up on, and in addition I anticipated a full “play day” the following morning.

I snuggled into my chair with my cup of coffee. As I entered into God’s presence, I read about being a good steward of God’s blessings to me. In response, I thought about my day. I looked forward to catching up on birthday and thank you cards, a scheduled coffee with a friend, and an evening with the teens at church.

I celebrated a big “YES!” to the day in my heart.

Moving into My Day

I exercised, showered, and got dressed. Next, I headed into my office with my refilled coffee cup. My sweet pastor husband had left a couple of medical bills on my desk, but I was unsure whether he had paid them or not. After sending him a quick text, I proceeded to clear other things off my space so I could work on cards.

I found an appointment card and realized I had missed my haircut. I checked my email and discovered I had forgotten a zoom meeting I was to participate in the following day which messed with my plan to “play.” My sweet pastor husband texted back and said the bills needed to be paid. So, I paid the bills. However I struggled with the printer to generate hard copy receipts.

The Struggle to Steward Well

As I prepared to go for coffee, I was no longer saying a big “YES!” to my day. I only had two cards made and I felt behind on what needed to be done. I believed I no longer stewarded my blessings well. The enemy whispered lies that sent my emotions into more turmoil.

Ever been there? You begin the morning, the afternoon, a work shift, even meal prep and you believe you got this! You centered your heart, and you know God’s presence as you begin the tasks before you. However, you soon experience the breakdown of several little things. You no longer move forward; you just tread water.

That very morning, I read verses in 1 John chapter 3. God reminded me He loved me (verse 16). He led me to understand I am to be so aware of His love, so entrenched in living in His love, I respond to others with the love He gives me (verses 16 & 17). The Spirit opened my eyes to truth: I stand confident before God when I live anchored in His love (verse 19).

God is Greater than our Feelings

However, on that day, I struggled; I perceived I wasn’t living into God’s love like I thought I was supposed to. For whatever reason, I believe at times I shouldn’t have negative emotions or experience frustration or stress. After all, if I’m truly living safe and secure in God’s love, why would I ever know a negative emotion? God’s Spirit gently reminded me of 1 John 3:20.

“Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and He knows everything.”

1 John 3:20, NLT

Allow the truth of that verse to sink into your heart and mind. God is greater than your feelings. Whether your emotions are positive or negative, God is greater. We often perceive life according to the emotion we are experiencing in the moment. God knows it all, and He can overcome however we skew the truth, and whatever we are feeling in the moment.

Led Astray by Emotions

I perceived I wasn’t stewarding well, and my emotions led me to believe I was a failure. Consequently, I began to experience feelings based on the lie that God wasn’t happy with me, He was disappointed in me. I even began to wonder if God strategically denied me a play day because I didn’t steward well.

I am grateful for God’s Holy Spirit. Over and over, He reminded me: I am greater than your feelings. He enabled my spirit to do the work and process through what He was teaching me. The Spirit led me to 1 Peter 4:10.

Focus on Grace

“Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God.”

1 Peter 4:10, CSB

I allowed my mind to rest on the word grace. God doesn’t work in rewards and punishments like I once did to get my children to clean their rooms. God doesn’t give me hoops to jump through and then doles out blessings according to my performance. God’s grace is infinite, continuous, and anchored in His abundant love for me. He provides what I need, period.

God Loves You

What does it mean to be a good steward of God’s grace? First of all, it means we rest in the truth that God loves us. Period. We release the idea of measuring up. We still give God our best. However, we lose the fear God will stop loving us if we aren’t as accomplished as someone else, or as we perceive we should be.

Photo by Jesse Goll on Unsplash

God Views Us as Valuable

Second, we must believe we are valuable to God. God gave His only Son, who died in our place, so we could be with God Almighty. For many reasons, we say we believe God loves us, but we don’t necessarily comprehend  how He values us.

God will go to the ends of the earth for you. He doesn’t stop pursuing you. God continually blesses you with life and opportunities to know Him. God’s ultimate goal is to welcome you into eternity with Him, as family!

Live Secure in God’s Acceptance

Third, a good steward of God’s grace responds to others with the same grace and love God extends to him. A good steward dwells in the safe space of assured acceptance. When we are convinced God loves and accepts us, we naturally extend it to others because we have nothing to prove or compete for.

Allow me to add, a good steward of God’s grace also responds to herself with the same grace and love God extends to her. When our feelings lead us to respond in non-gracious ways toward ourselves or others, we must go back to the truth about God’s grace. Don’t fall into the trap of the world’s judgement and condemnation.

Say “Yes!” to Every Day

All of us mess up. No one is perfect. In addition, there is always someone better than us even in the areas where we excel. Remember what 1 John 3:20 tells us. God knows all of it. He knows our heart, our failures, our fears, our hopes. AND He is greater.

Each of us must allow God’s love to so pervade our lives so we are always confident of His acceptance of us. His love and grace fill the gaps where we fall short. He is always for us. When we live with this assurance, we can always say YES! to the day before us and steward His blessings well.

Yes Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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