Nancy Brewer

Releasing is the First Element to Communing

My sweet Pastor husband and I have been married for 38 years; we will arrive at 39 years this December. Our early years were a series of adjustments, just like any newly married couple. For example, in my home of origin, we feasted regularly on casseroles. I had four siblings,

Join the Journey of Communing and Flourish in New Life

Yesterday was Mother’s Day and once again I was given the privilege to preach. My sweet Pastor husband had an epiphany years ago, and decided I was better equipped to talk to mothers than he was. Consequently, every year, he gets a break and I work on Mother’s Day. However,

Focus on Your Inner Life and Overcome Your Need for Approval

I recently realized I have been an approval junkie for most of my life. It’s not that I didn’t know I wanted validation from others, but I didn’t comprehend the extent of my addiction. Consequently, it’s been a bit mind-blowing to view various decisions, attitudes, and beliefs through my fresh

Five Powerful Key Activities When Life Feels so Daily

I recently chatted with a friend whose mom just passed away. Her mom had been on hospice, so her death was not unexpected. However, my friend admitted she was struggling to function. She described to me the last moments she shared with her mom. She told her mom she loved

Jesus’ Simple Template for Preserving a Holy Perspective

I had one of “those days” recently. My day didn’t begin badly, but sometime, about halfway through, it took a turn I couldn’t correct. Someone said something to me that caught me totally off guard. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I threw up solid defensive barriers. Although

The Benefits of Hoping in the Wonderful Grace of Jesus

We officially celebrated Easter yesterday, and according to the liturgical calendar, we remember Pentecost next. We rejoice over the gift of salvation Jesus’ death provided us, and we anticipate celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit. God graciously gives us these two wondrous gifts that reveal His incomparable grace. We

An Unexpected Parade and the Powerful Celebration of Hope

Have you ever been in a parade? I’ve actually been in several! In high school, our band participated in Ronald Reagan’s inaugural parade. My family is convinced they saw my feet march by on the TV screen. In college, I was the Junior Class Homecoming Princess and earned the privilege

God Defends Us and Affirms our Value to Him

My king-sized bed was covered with clothes. I laid out completed outfits and displayed a variety of jewelry with each selection. Next, I tossed in different shoes and considered my options. I switched tops and bottoms, mixed, and matched, knowing I was limited to a carryon suitcase. I planned to

The Beautiful Blessing Found in Asking for Help

I’m curious. Do you find it easy to ask for help? I recently became very aware of my own hesitancy. I’m concerned with inconveniencing someone too much. At other times I’m fearful I will appear incompetent. I don’t like appearing needy or unable to figure things out on my own.

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