Nancy Brewer

Lost in Brogan

I went to Brogan today.  Never been there?  I’ve now been there, and I’m not sure I’ve been there! It’s a quick little stop in the road, with a strong emphasis on ‘QUICK!’ I had an appointment with a friend in Brogan, and, basically, I couldn’t find her house.  Brogan

I’ve recently had one of those experiences that left me feeling inadequate.  It probably shouldn’t have left me feeling that way, but I let my impressions of others, and what I thought they might think of me take center stage. My emotion wasn’t based on reality, just a perception that

My daughter is getting married.  I’ve said the phrase, I’ve thought the phrase, I LIVE with the phrase since my days are filled with lists of wedding things to do.  But typing the phrase, letting the phrase truly sink in, is a different story. When my sweet girl was a


Today is supposed to be “get on a plane” day.  Not looking so good.  Today is supposed to be the official start of my Sweetie and I’s escape to the East coast. Today is supposed to be one of those “WooHoo!” days.  Right now, today is just today.  Life is

A little Journey to the Cross

It’s almost Easter. Something new hangs in my closet awaiting it’s Easter Morning Moment.  Guests have been invited, the menu planned, the ham purchased.  The church choir has been in rehearsals, together in the sanctuary and individually, alone in their cars, as they sing along with their rehearsal CDs. Tulips

I Choose Jesus, I Choose LIFE

Someone shared this link with me on Facebook.  It really is powerful!  Just a reminder that we really are all created by a God who loves us and has our best in mind — Always.  I am a Princess, YOU are a Princess (or a Prince) and Almighty God loves

It’s officially December and the Christmas Season has begun. I thought I’d share one of my favorite artists and be one of the first to wish you a Merry Christmas!  

 Earlier today I was “stretching my brain.” by clicking the button way too many times at  Okay, I admit it, all rationalizing aside, I was wasting time.    Anyway…. I came across this video that said “A Single Year in 40 seconds.”  I was curious.  I watched.  I watched again!  I

Hello! …. and welcome!

This is a new journey for me.  I’ve toyed with the idea off and on for some time, and basically haven’t generated the courage to put myself on “paper.”  Truth?  God wouldn’t let me say “no.”  So I’m entering a new world!Thanks for joining me on this journey.  I hope

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